On/Off switch for Window Manger's status bar icon and hot corners

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox Feature Suggestions' started by SGazelle, Dec 25, 2020.

  1. SGazelle

    SGazelle Bit poster

    I would like to suggest two tweaks:

    1. Status bar icon:
    Like many other users, I do not like seeing unnecessary icons on the status bar, so having the ability to hide the status icon is potentially useful.

    2. Window Manager's hot corners on and off switch.
    Having actively used this tool on a daily basis (operating it only with the costume shortcuts option) makes it unnecessary, and rather annoying, when using multiple displays to having the hot corners flashing suggestions to resize a window every time the course moves from a screen's edge to another.

  2. Alex Patsay

    Alex Patsay Parallels Team

    Thanks for the suggestions!
    I think what you are talking about in the second suggestion is what we call "Active Zones Hints" and it can be disabled.
    Screen Shot 2021-01-14 at 3.25.19 PM.png
    SGazelle likes this.
  3. SGazelle

    SGazelle Bit poster

    Thanks a lot, for your response. That was indeed what I was aiming for. For some weird reason I oversaw this one. On the other hand, my first point still valid.

    I recently got the update for the toolbox that has the new version of the Hide Menu Icons feature that became compatible with MacOS BigSur 11. However, that raised my attention for a couple of additional points.

    1. The transition from the (by default hidden) bar and active bar can take up-to 2 seconds, the Mac in these transitions "freezes" and the delay happens repeatedly every-time one leaves the hidden bar (clicking away).
    2. The icons in the hidden bar cannot be actively used. I noticed that when I try to hide icons like the windows manger and the Parallels Toolbox icon, when I lost the functionality of the shortcuts. It would be a great compensation if instead of hiding away icons in the hidden bar, to take advantage of the Control Centre's customisable area in BigSur 11 and keep actively used tool there instead of the status bar, as shown in the snaps below:
    Control center tools.png Customisable area.png
  4. Alex Patsay

    Alex Patsay Parallels Team

    Yes, it is, I'll add it to our issues tracker, and we will consider including this as an option in one of the future updates.

    As for the Hide Menu Icons comments, yes, we are aware of the performance issues, and unfortunately it's caused by the changes Apple has introduced in the macOS Big Sur update. We are still researching our options here, and may introduce some workarounds. We will look into the option of expanding Control Center's options, thank you for your suggestion.
    SGazelle likes this.

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