Option for not showing Win apps icons in Dock

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by AmauryV, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. AmauryV

    AmauryV Member

    with Parallels 4 i could select an option so that the Windows applications' icons wouldn't show in Dock.
    with Parallels 5, these Win icons keep showing in Dock. where is the option so that this doesn't happen?
  2. RyanN

    RyanN Bit poster

    They messed it up in version 5

    I just spent a while searching for the same thing. I did find a "solution". If you go to the configuration dialogue for a particular virtual machine, and go to "Shared Applications", then completely disable "Share Windows applications with Mac OS X" then it will no longer show the icons.

    But this is a very silly thing for them to have done. They've connected two separate controls. Now if I want to have windows applications appear when I right click (so I can open email attachments in office) but I DON'T want said icons in my dock (otherwise cmd-tabbing takes forever because of icon polution) they've made that IMPOSSIBLE.

  3. Smudge2

    Smudge2 Member

    If anyone from Parallels support reads these forums , please ask engineering/development to bring back this option!
  4. Luca-

    Luca- Bit poster

    i need this option too !!!
  5. mvcube

    mvcube Member

    The option used to be selectable and connected to the display settings IIRC: Show the icons in Coherence but hide them in Window mode. Now I even get them in Window mode. :(
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  7. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    Hi all,

    Why do not disable "Share Windows applications with Mac OS X" in Shared Applications settings? Is it not a way? Could you please explain me why that feature is important for you?

  8. mvcube

    mvcube Member

    Hi Alexander,

    I sometimes need access to genuine Windows apps from Mac OS: e. g. for opening email attachments. The two options should be independent.

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  10. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers


    I see, but it is half answered. Why icons in Dock are not useful for you? Dock icon has useful functionality like drag-drop, list of open windows, click to activate, quit. Why you what to disable it? It is disturb you?

    Thank you,
  11. Chris Street

    Chris Street Bit poster

    Why wouldn't I want the icons in the doc Parells support forume member asks??

    Because they are 1) Typically low res and ugly against my other Dock icons and 2) but more importantly they are not grouped. If I have 10 instances of notepad open in windows, I have 10 ugly windows notepad icons on my Dock, instead of a single one.

    For me the lack of grouping is why I would prefer not to have any windows icons on my Dock and why I would kill to go back to V4.
  12. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers


    Thank you for you detailed description. Will you so kind to allow us to leave the icons if they will be: pretty drawn and grouped?

  13. Registered User

    Registered User Bit poster


    For my part, I like to work with my Windows apps in a virtual space. I only want the one Parallels icon on my dock, not any of the apps open in my VM. I tried "going to "Shared Applications", then completely disable "Share Windows applications with Mac OS X", but even that does not work for me. Lots of messy and meaningless Windows icon polluting my Mac dock.

    Is there anything else I can do?
  14. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    Hi Registered User,

    "Share Windows applications with Mac OS X" option should disable showing Windows applications icons in Dock. It is support question. So, make "Report a Problem" in the Help menu while Windows is running and any Windows applications is showing in Dock and send me the report number.

  15. erikep

    erikep Bit poster

    I agree with the other users on this thread. Seeing multiple app icons from Windows in my Mac Dock is really , but being able to share applications (especially ) is really important. There should certainly be a view option to control where windows apps are shown.

    Another possibility would be to show the full Windows Taskbar (rather than just the start button) in Crystal or Coherence. For the purposes of organizing my Windows applications, the Windows Taskbar is still preferable.
  16. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    This functionality is already there. Just use Show Windows Taskbar menu item in the View menu. In Crystal mode use Option key and click on II (icon in Mac bar) to access advanced Parallels menu.

  17. erikep

    erikep Bit poster

    Alex, your solution is partial: I still have unattractive Windows icons in my Dock despite checking "Do not use Dock Area" in Crystal/Coherence options. They also occupy my command-tab application switching. Is this worth reporting to support?

    To other users, I think this actually is a better way to to create a full screen experience with somewhat less clutter. There is still room for improvement.

    1) Coherence mode
    2) Choose "Do not use Dock area" from the Configure options
    3) Choose "Show Windows Taskbar" from the View menu.
  18. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    This option for display area, not for Dock icons.
  19. erikep

    erikep Bit poster

    Alex, the title of this thread is "Option for not showing Win apps icons in Dock." Obviously, everybody who has commented here has expressed an interest in having an option to NOT show Windows apps icons in the Mac Dock. If we cared about the "display area," presumably we would have joined that thread.

    If your response is simply "There is no way to remove Windows app icons from the Dock," please say so. If you plan on implementing that option, that would be relevant information. If not, please indicate that.

    Just to summarize, everybody here has expressed interest in having an option to remove Windows icons from the Mac Dock, a feature which was sunset in Parallels 5. If there is no such option and no plans to create the option, I believe customers deserve an explanation.
  20. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers


    I fully understand what is written in this thread. The thread was created to request the option "Do not show Windows applications icons in the Dock". In the Parallels Desktop 5 there is no such option. Sorry for not mentioning it in the User Guide. I can't tell you about our consideration to include or not a such option in the product. We are gathering the information to decide it. We have many requests about different options and features and we should be sure what it is what you need. Thus I ask you about different details.


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