Option to disable pop-up windows that show suggestions

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox Feature Suggestions' started by KarstenS6, Nov 16, 2020.

  1. KarstenS6

    KarstenS6 Bit poster

    Please add an option to disable the pop-up windows that suggest the use one or another Toolbox feature. The incessant interruptions are nothing but spam at this point and it has gotten to the point where I am considering uninstalling Parallels Toolbox--even though some of the features are useful. I am already a paying customer. What is the point of wasting my time with unwanted popups? The pop-ups are as annoying as they are when browsing the web and every browser now blocks pop-ups by default. Parallels Toolbox should do the same.
  2. RobR7

    RobR7 Bit poster

    Absolutely bizarre that Parallels would think users wouldn't want to turn this off. I paid for your product, now let me use it in peace when I need it and tell it to sit motionless, otherwise, until it's time to do more work. Like Anton.
  3. Wil2

    Wil2 Bit poster

    Strongly agree with the above. these notifications / recommendations are deeply annoying. I know what all the features of Parallels toolbox do, I don't need these incessant popups asking if I want to use 'X' or 'Y' feature/tool/utility. Bizarre UX design that there isn't a simple option to disable these recommendations.
  4. Alex Patsay

    Alex Patsay Parallels Team

    We have added an option in Toolbox 4.5 to disable tools recommendations for those users who are aware of Toolbox functionality
  5. Wil2

    Wil2 Bit poster

    @Alex Patsay Thank you so much! It's great when a company listens to complaints and a fix actually makes its way into a release - I've just downloaded the latest version and was very very happy to be able to tick the "Do not show tools suggestions" box. Your team has made a great product even better.

    Thanks again for this change, and for the update!

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