OS/2 Client in Paralles for Windows Ver. 2.2 Com Port / Serial Communication Trouble

Discussion in 'Other Guest OS Types Discussion' started by Martin Klingenfuss, Nov 7, 2008.

  1. Martin Klingenfuss

    Martin Klingenfuss Bit poster


    At the moment I am troubleshooting on a Virtual PC 2004 migration to Parallels 2.2 (222) for Windows.
    Herein there is installed an OS/2 Warp 4.52 CP Ger. It would also be possible to install eCS 1.2R or even 2.0 Beta to realize the functionality.

    I need serial communications for an outdated Mauell 3 application, a software that communicates with embedded sensoringactors for controlling. To do this I installed an OS/2 and the application on a PC what runs now with VPC. Under VPC the communication run ok, almost stabile. I deinstalled VPC and tried the same testing with parallels. To verify I used a modem, so I could see how the communication worket. If the COM 1 Port was let in its default settings (a modern COM Port with standart UART 16550 chip) under Windows XP Host, the communication in OS2 Warp 4.52 Guest OS Zoc (a popular modem-terminal-software) stucked or even missed characters. To troubleshoot I changed the program-settings (of Mauell and Zoc) in Guest OS and even installed a quite powerfull Com-Port driver namend Sio (-> http://www.os2world.com/content/view/14587/2/). In this driver I could tell OS/2 that it had an UART 16550 chip, even if it seems, that parallels does not emmulate it ?! Neverminding the setting the communication run much more fluently but not stabile enough. I.e. Mauell failure was DOS 10-error communication lost after communicate approx 5 minutes.

    My questions are now:

    * Is it possible, the VPC emmulates Com Port communications more effective then Parallels (VPC = UART 16650, Parallels = 8250 without FIFO)?

    * Can there be realized a communication via USB2Serial-adapters like the SSU-100 / SS-USB-100 from Quatech, an USB to Seriall-Adapter with natively OS/2- / eCs- (and of cause Windows-) support (see http://fixunix.com/os2/45109-usb-serial-converter-driver.html)?

    * Does Parallels support USB communication to OS/2 (eCs-) guests?

    * Are there plans to ingrease COM-Port performance or USB-support to OS/2 or eCs guests?

    * Is there need to install an USB-driver to the guest, or can the communication also be done via the virtual USB-based serial-port then found in Host OS?

    * Does anybody now, if there are 3rd party Windows drivers, that could make better timining to the communication done with parallels?

    Quiet a lot of specific stuff, but important for business-processes and for Parallels' acceptance in a professional environments!

    Thanks for responds...

    Last edited: Nov 10, 2008

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