Hi there, I've trying to build mikrotik vagrant box using packer and build fails when "guest_os_type" set to "other". If gust_os_type set, for example, to centos all builds fine. Is there a way to correctly build boxes with "other" os_type? ------------------------------------------------------------------- ± % cat mikrotik-6.42.5-iso.json { "builders": [ { "type": "parallels-iso", "vm_name": "RouterOS-6.42.5", "guest_os_type": "other", "disk_size": "256", "disk_type": "expand", "prlctl": [ ["set", "{{.Name}}", "--cpus", "1"], ["set", "{{.Name}}", "--memsize", "128"] ], "iso_url": "https://download.mikrotik.com/routeros/6.42.5/mikrotik-6.42.5.iso", "iso_checksum": "4de780934da1429f8575cde20b8c6924", "iso_checksum_type": "md5", "boot_command": [ "<down><spacebar><down><spacebar><down><spacebar><right><up><up><up><spacebar><down><spacebar><down><down><down><spacebar><down><down><spacebar>", "<up><up><right><up><up><up><spacebar><up><spacebar>iny", "<wait5><enter><wait10><wait5>", "admin<enter><wait>", "<enter><wait>", "y<enter>q<wait>", "<enter><wait>", "/ip dhcp-client add disabled=no interface=ether1<enter><wait>", "/user add name=vagrant password=vagrant group=full<enter>" ], "parallels_tools_flavor": "other", "parallels_tools_mode": "disable", "ssh_username": "admin", "ssh_password": "", "ssh_wait_timeout": "80s", "shutdown_command": "execute \"/system shutdown\"" } ] } ------------------------------------------------------------------- builduser@Vision ~/Projects/vagrant-mikrotik/packer [master *] ± % prlctl --version prlctl version 13.3.2 (43368) builduser@Vision ~/Projects/vagrant-mikrotik/packer [master *] ± % vagrant -v Vagrant 2.1.2 builduser@Vision ~/Projects/vagrant-mikrotik/packer [master *] ± % packer -v 1.2.4 builduser@Vision ~/Projects/vagrant-mikrotik/packer [master *] ± % packer build mikrotik-6.42.5-iso.json parallels-iso output will be in this color. ==> parallels-iso: Downloading or copying ISO parallels-iso: Found already downloaded, initial checksum matched, no download needed: https://download.mikrotik.com/routeros/6.42.5/mikrotik-6.42.5.iso ==> parallels-iso: Creating virtual machine... ==> parallels-iso: Applying default settings... ==> parallels-iso: Creating hard drive... ==> parallels-iso: Error creating hard drive: prlctl error: Failed to configure the virtual machine. ==> parallels-iso: Unregistering virtual machine... ==> parallels-iso: Deleting output directory... Build 'parallels-iso' errored: Error creating hard drive: prlctl error: Failed to configure the virtual machine. ==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors: --> parallels-iso: Error creating hard drive: prlctl error: Failed to configure the virtual machine. ==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created. builduser@Vision ~/Projects/vagrant-mikrotik/packer [master *] ± % sed -i .tmp 's/"guest_os_type": "other"/"guest_os_type": "centos"/' mikrotik-6.42.5-iso.json builduser@Vision ~/Projects/vagrant-mikrotik/packer [master *] ± % packer build mikrotik-6.42.5-iso.json parallels-iso output will be in this color. ==> parallels-iso: Downloading or copying ISO parallels-iso: Found already downloaded, initial checksum matched, no download needed: https://download.mikrotik.com/routeros/6.42.5/mikrotik-6.42.5.iso ==> parallels-iso: Creating virtual machine... ==> parallels-iso: Applying default settings... ==> parallels-iso: Creating hard drive... ==> parallels-iso: Setting the boot order... ==> parallels-iso: Attaching ISO to the default CD/DVD ROM device... ==> parallels-iso: Executing custom prlctl commands... parallels-iso: Executing: prlctl set RouterOS-6.42.5 --cpus 1 parallels-iso: Executing: prlctl set RouterOS-6.42.5 --memsize 128 ==> parallels-iso: Starting the virtual machine... ==> parallels-iso: Waiting 10s for boot... ==> parallels-iso: Host IP for the Parallels machine: ==> parallels-iso: Typing the boot command... ==> parallels-iso: Waiting for SSH to become available... ==> parallels-iso: Connected to SSH! ==> parallels-iso: Uploading Parallels version info (13.3.2) ==> parallels-iso: Gracefully halting virtual machine... ==> parallels-iso: Compacting the disk image ==> parallels-iso: Unregistering virtual machine... Build 'parallels-iso' finished. ==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are: --> parallels-iso: VM files in directory: /Users/builduser/Projects/vagrant-mikrotik/packer/output-parallels-iso builduser@Vision ~/Projects/vagrant-mikrotik/packer [master *] ± %