At least 4 of the tools are out of date: ARCHIVE 7.0.4 LOCK SCREEN 2.0.3 STOPWATCH 8.0 TIMER 3.0 Just how are you going to fix that situation?
I run an application called MACUPDATE, which checks all my applications on the proper websites for updates. If you download that application and run it, you will be surprised with the results. Anyway the stated applications in the toolbox are surely out of date
Hello, Yvan, MacUpdate application has wrongly identified tools from Parallels Toolbox as other applications with same name/description/functionality. If you look closely you will see that MacUpdate mixes up Stopwatch tool with 'Apimac Timer', for example. This is defect in MacUpdate logic.
I have an opened ticket with Parallels tech support on the subject and I am waiting for further developments.
You are right, after contacting Parallels Tech support, I am now satisfied that the updates reported by MacUpdate do not refer to the ones in the Parallels Toolbox, which as a matter of fact were just updated to version 1.0.1