Parallels 12 Crash On Launch

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by VW5g7Z4q, Oct 23, 2018.


My Parallels Desktop 12 is crashing on launch

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  1. VW5g7Z4q

    VW5g7Z4q Bit poster

    Parallels' Developer Certificate which is used for the code signature for Parallels Desktop 12 expired Monday, October 22, 2018 at 12:11:00 AM UTC.
    This is causing Parallels Desktop 12 to crash on launch with the following:

    Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (Code Signature Invalid)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
    Exception Note: EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY
  2. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @VW5g7Z4q, please generate a report ID and quit Parallels Desktop 12 and then go to Finder--> Application--> Parallels Desktop then ( Right click and move to trash ). Go to Disk utility--> Macintosh HD and run ' First Aid '. restart the Mac computer completely and then reinstall Parallels Desktop 12 < > and check with it. if the issue still persists then generate a Technical Report ID (refer to for assistance) please follow the last step using terminal, while the issue occurs/the error message is being displayed (very important) and reply with the report ID number. We'll then investigate.
  3. VW5g7Z4q

    VW5g7Z4q Bit poster

    Please see the image of the developer certificate used to sign Parallels Desktop 12 below:
    You can see the expiration date is Monday October 22, 2018.
    The crash on launch is being caused by the expired certificate. This can be verified by self-signing Parallels Desktop and then launching it. The app will then function, but this is not the correct solution to the problem.

    Create a self-signed certificate:

    1. Open Keychain Access (/Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access)
    2. Select "Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Create a Certificate..." and create a self-signed certificate (use a name without spaces and change "Certificate type" to "Code Signing")
    3. Find the newly created cert in the list and select it, then do File > Get Info on that certificate
    4. select "Code Signing > Always Trust"
    5. In terminal, type: sudo codesign -s <CERTIFICATE_NAME_HERE> -f /Applications/Parallels\
    check "Let me override defaults" in order to enter a date a few years into the future - otherwise its default is one year.

    Parallels will now launch without crashing and function.
    Nemensi, KrisR and ChristopherK9 like this.
  4. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @VW5g7Z4q, thanks for the solution! It's really helpful! We would love to have customers like you!!
  5. RobertL19

    RobertL19 Bit poster

    This morning I tried to start Parallels 12 on two of my machines - one Mac Pro laptop running OS X 10.13.6 and one Mac Mini running OS X 10.14. I get the same error as shown above when looking at the 'send report' window. I tried to create a self signed certificate but that didn't work - probably my fault as I couldn't view the example certificate from VW5g7Z4q. Is there any patch for this yet? I do have Parallels 12 running on a 2013 Mac Pro with OS X 10.14 and it loads and executes correctly (for now).
  6. AJ@Parallels


    Hello RobertL19, Kindly quit Parallels Desktop 12 and then go to Finder--> Application--> Parallels Desktop then ( Right click and move to trash ). Go to Disk utility--> Macintosh HD and run ' First Aid '. restart the Mac computer completely and then reinstall Parallels Desktop 12 < > and check with it. if the issue still persists then generate a Technical Report ID (refer to for assistance) please follow the last step using terminal, while the issue occurs/the error message is being displayed (very important) and reply with the report ID number.
  7. RobertL19

    RobertL19 Bit poster

    Thank you. That fixed my issue.
  8. Nice to know that it is sorted out. Please post again for any additional queries.
  9. GabrielaB1

    GabrielaB1 Bit poster

    Hi @VW5g7Z4q !
    Thank you very much for your post. I think I have the exact same problem...I tried it with the new certificate but this is what I get:
    Gabrielas-MBP:~ Gabriela$ sudo codesign -s <GABPARALLELS> -f /Applications/Parallels\
    -bash: GABPARALLELS: No such file or directory
    Probably I am doing something wrong..:S Because the certificate does appear in the list and so on...
    Thank you very much!!
  10. AJ@Parallels


    Hello GabrielaB1, Kindly quit Parallels Desktop 12 and then go to Finder--> Application--> Parallels Desktop then ( Right click and move to trash ). Go to Disk utility--> Macintosh HD and run ' First Aid '. restart the Mac computer completely and then reinstall Parallels Desktop 12 < > and check with it. if the issue still persists then generate a Technical Report ID (refer to for assistance) please follow the last step using terminal, while the issue occurs/the error message is being displayed (very important) and reply with the report ID number. We'll then investigate.
  11. ChristopherK9

    ChristopherK9 Bit poster

    Try removing the "<>". Those are just to indicate where the variable goes. So instead of writing <GABPARALLELS>, just write GABPARALLELS. I Assume that "GABPARALLELS" is the name you gave your certificate.
  12. ChristopherK9

    ChristopherK9 Bit poster

    Thank you very much! This resolved my issue without having to reinstall.
  13. AJ@Parallels


    Hello ChristopherK9! Perfect, Please feel free to reach us any time for any queries regarding Parallels.
  14. RyanN4

    RyanN4 Bit poster

    Through searching multiple forums, I found that your terminal code above should have quotes (") instead of the characters you have listed (<>) to get mine to work (can't explain why but that's what I found, because your characters (<>) made terminal output "-bash: CERTIFICATE_NAME: no such file or directory") but once I replaced these and ran the command:
    sudo codesign -s "parallelsCertificate" -f /Applications/Parallels\

    terminal output:
    /Applications/Parallels replacing existing signature
    /Applications/Parallels resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed

    I am not sure what the issue is, but my certificate will not sign so any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2018
  15. ChanonB

    ChanonB Bit poster

    i ve got same issue with out after i try to replace Cert so anyone who know the solution pls help Thank you very much
  16. Hello ChanonB. Please follow the steps from this article to resolve this issue.
  17. ChanonB

    ChanonB Bit poster

    Could resolve this issue without reinstall ?.
  18. We are just reinstalling the Parallels Desktop application which will not affect the virtual machines and their data.
  19. ChrisPeaPod

    ChrisPeaPod Bit poster

    Reinstalling the app worked for me! No data loss on the VM. Easy, quick.
  20. Hi ChrisPeaPod. Nice to know that it works. Please post again for additional queries.

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