Parallels 13.3.2 running on High Sierra license has become deactivated

Discussion in 'Licensing and Activation' started by thunter913, Dec 11, 2024.

  1. thunter913

    thunter913 Bit poster

    I am running Parallels 13.3.2 on High Sierra. The license has somehow become deactivated. I select the Account & License under the Parallels Desktop menu and the My Licenses window appears. When I select the license under Available Licenses, the server keeps giving me the following error:

    Unable to confirm the product license.
    Make sure that you type the confirmation ID correctly.

    Since I am not typing the license into the window and I am selecting the license from under the Available Licenses, the product should reactivate but it doesn't. I also tried putting the license key in manually and got the same error as shown above.
  2. CraigO

    CraigO Bit poster

    I'm getting this exact same error too.
  3. thunter913

    thunter913 Bit poster

    Hi CraigO. I received a reply from Parallels Support stating "we have reset the registration logs of the license key". I tried to reactivate Parallels Desktop after receiving this response from Parallels Support and whatever action Parallels Support took didn't work for me. If Parallels Support is able to resolve the problem I will post the solution in this forum. In the mean time you might want to try and reactivate again to see if the change Parallels Support made was global, which could that mean that reactivation might work for you now.
  4. CraigO

    CraigO Bit poster

    Thanks for the heads up. I think we're experiencing the same issue for the most part - mine was caused when I requested a couple of licenses I hold be moved to my other account. Even though I can sign-in and see they moved the licenses I now get the same error as noted. Frustrating but from other threads I've read we're not alone and those customers seem to have their issue fixed. Fingers crossed! As of this writing though I tried as you suggested and no go - I think it's on a case by case??
  5. MoustafaH

    MoustafaH Bit poster

    I experience the same problem with Parallels 14 on High Sierra. It's a fresh install and I can't activate due to error "Make sure that you typed the confirmation ID correctly". Not sure what is this? I've just selected the license after signing in with my account. I've also tried to copy/paste from my parallels account and got the same error. It seems older versions are somehow blocked from activation.

    May Parallels support help us here please?
  6. thunter913

    thunter913 Bit poster

    MoustafaH & CraigO - I am not making much progress with Technical Support at the moment in finding a solution to the problem, however, one change I am seeing is that after I logged out of Parallels Desktop and logged back in, the trial text that was above my Available Licenses is now gone. When this problem started there was a block of text above the Available Licenses telling me that I was using Parallels Desktop as a trial version. That trial version is set to expire on 12/26/24. However, that text is now gone and when I launch Parallels Desktop the Account & License window opens automatically. If I click the Activate button the product still will not activate. If I choose About Parallels Desktop from under the Parallels Desktop menu the text in the window reads as follows:

    Licensing Information
    This copy of Parallels Desktop is currently not active.

    At this point, since the trail text is gone, I don't know on 12/27/24 if the software still continue to operate since the trial for the software will have expired. If Tech Support isn't able to provide me a fix to this problem and if the trial expires even if I can no longer see that it is in trial mode, then the software will become inoperable.

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