Parallels 14 forces crash of macOS

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by MarcD6, Sep 10, 2018.

  1. MarcD6

    MarcD6 Bit poster

    I'm using parallel 14 running a windows 10 VM on a late 2017 MacBook Pro 13-inch (10.13.6).
    Once a week upon once a day, during working within my Win 10 VM, the whole MacOs crashes hard "Your computer restarted because of a problem..."
    this happens mostly when using MS Word.
    After restart, the panic-reports says "Graphics firmware encountered an exception: 0xd ..."
    The phenomenon is kind of repeatable. If I continue work after reboot, it might crash again...
    Self-Diagnostics an Memory-Check were both negativ ...
    Any ideas?

    Kind regards
  2. ThomasW21

    ThomasW21 Bit poster

    Same issue here. Parallels 14. MBPro 13" late 2017. Win10 VM crashes with "Graphics firmware" exception while working in Microsoft Word 2016 in Parallels Coherence mode. Happens after only a few minutes of editing in Word every time. Testing to see if it also happens in Full Screen (non-Coherence) mode.
  3. Andrey10

    Andrey10 Bit poster

    Same issue. MacOS 10.13.6, Macbook pro 2017, Macbook pro 2018.
  4. WillS5

    WillS5 Bit poster

    Same issue, but also in MS PowerBI. Whole computer shuts down and forces restart. Hoping it was addressed by Mojave update... but really poor form from Parallels to not warn about upgrading to Parallels 14; no issues when I was on 13.
  5. VictorN1

    VictorN1 Bit poster

    Same here. MacBook Pro Retina 2015. Thought Mojave would fix it, but no. And still no update.
  6. KennethL6

    KennethL6 Bit poster

    same issue:
    Parallels Desktop v 14.0.1 on MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports) running OSX High Sierra 10.13.6 (17G65). Crashes several times a day.

    OSX report includes:

    *** Panic Report ***
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff801a499785): "Graphics firmware encountered an exception: 0xd, from EIP = 0x10348\n"@/Library/Caches/
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task..."

    Any fix for this please? it is rendering Parallels unusable and unreliable for me. Thanks!
  7. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi @MarcD6 , please try pefroming first aid on your mac, reboot your mac and check if that helps.
  8. AdamH7

    AdamH7 Bit poster

    Same issue on 2017 15" MBP with Mojave and Parallels 14 with Win 7 Pro. Typically happens when I close the lid while running software in Windows, then re-open a short time later and am greeted with the black screen and white message indicating there is an issue.....
    First aid already completed both in OSX and in boot/ recovery mode but still does this intermittently.
    Had a similar issue back in a much earlier parallels version where removing a USB connection (USB to RS-232) with the laptop asleep would crash it.
  9. federicoi1

    federicoi1 Bit poster

    Same issue with MAcBook Pro 15-inch, 2017, High Sierra 10.13.6 + Windows 8.1 + Visual Designer - the Mac crash randomly, at least twice a day, black screen with "Your computer restarted because of a problem..."
  10. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @federicoi1, the random crash might have occurred due to I/O error in the hard disk. Can you please check I/O error in your Mac hard disk? Please refer to this article to find out the hard disk error.
  11. TrkicA

    TrkicA Bit poster

    Same issue with MacBook Pro 15-inch, 2017 MacOS Mojave 10.14.
    Im running Windows 10 inside parallels and every time i start it it crash my Mac. I checked first aid and everything seems fine with HDD.
    Bellow you can find logs:
    First Aid:
    Crash 1:
    Crash 2:
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2018
  12. MATTM5

    MATTM5 Bit poster

    Me too. I'm traveling to afraid to make changes at the moment, but totally disgusted with this update. When I get home I guess I will attempt a downgrade back to 13
  13. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @MATTM5, it might occur due to the incorrect Host permission. Can you please shut down Windows virtual machine properly, quit Parallels Desktop 14 for Mac, reboot your Mac into Recovery mode, run First Aid, restart your Mac back to the normal mode and then start Parallels Desktop to check if that works.
  14. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @TrkicA, if possible reproduce the issue and reply us with a Technical Data ID collected from the terminal command: prlsrvctl problem-report --send
  15. MATTM5

    MATTM5 Bit poster

    I'd done a First Aid previously (not in recovery, but it did not seem in recovery mode to do anything different) and BTW there is no longer a "fix file permissions" option. I don't understand what "the incorrect Host permission" is or how that could manifest in seemingly random crashes in the middle of doing work in W10/Outlook. I simply could not function with multiple crashes in an hour this morning. I risked the downgrade to Parallels 13 in my hotel room.

    I'm sorry but I'm not interested in helping troubleshoot this as the risk to data loss and productively loses is simply too high. I already lost work for a presentation that I had to re-create. Let me know when you've fixed the issue and maybe I'll attempt upgrade again.

    Can someone please contact me about partial refund of my subscription due to buggy software and losses of data/productivity?
    Andrey10 likes this.
  16. Mark_R

    Mark_R Junior Member

    I've been having this same problem now for weeks since upgrading to v14. What a disaster. Both Mac and Windows VMs become unresponsive at least once per day.
    I think I managed to fix it by performing one of those safe reboots on my Mac for NVRAM or PRAM (I might have that wrong) but the down side of this was that it caused iTune to stop working with my movies (HDCP error). Apparently that is also a known issue with iTunes after the aforementioned reboot. So I fixed iTunes and of course Parallels reverts back to its daily crashes... Tedious to say the least.
  17. pDavid

    pDavid Member

    I had this issue on my 2017 iMac 27" machine.

    Successful work-around provided by Parallels technical support. Excellent.
    I generated a detailed technical report and filed a request for support on the Parallels web pile. Eventually I spoke with a very nice rep who provided the work-around. The rep also indicated that Parallels Inc knows about the problem, is not ignoring the problem, and will provide a software update to address the problem.
    The Parallels rep had obviously studied my individual case with care, so I don't know if this work-around solution will fix everyone up. But anyway, here it is.

    I made the following changes to the Settings pages of my Windows virtual machine:
    1) Set virtual machine memory to 6Gb
    2) Set video memory to Auto(Recommended)
    3) Changed virtual machine graphics mode from Best for Retina to Scaled
    The rep also guided me through the following procedure. I don't know if every one of these steps is required.
    1. Uninstall Parallels by dragging into the trash can.
    2. From Apple's Disk Utility program, execute the "First Aid" function on my main disk drive.
    3. Reboot Apple computer.
    4. Install Parallels from distribution media.
  18. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @Mark_R, can you please follow this article to check out I/O error in the hard disk?
  19. Mark_R

    Mark_R Junior Member

    Thanks Paul. I followed the article, very helpful, but no errors were listed. The solution from pDavid above seems to have helped with no crashes since I followed items 2 and 3 of his solution... until this just after writing this post morning when it just crashed again shortly after I connected the power supply.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2018
  20. If you have any antivirus/firewall protection enabled on the Mac, please add Parallels Desktop and the Windows virtual machine in the exception list and check for the issue.

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