I am experiencing success with Leopard, Bootcamp, PWS 5160. This is what I did:
1) Installed Leopard from scratch on a MacBook Pro 17 (Core Duo 2)
2) Setup Boot Camp and restored the volume with WinClone
3) Migrated my user account (not apps) from my old MacBook Pro (Migration Assistant)
4) Installed PWS 5160. My old virtual machines were there (I have used the same VM all the way back to the original Beta too)
5) Rebooted
6) Started PWS, edited my virtual machine memory config (increased)
7) Shutdown PWS
8) Started PWS and loaded my WinXP virtual machine (not Bootcamp)
So far, everything except mounting the hard disk in the finder worked. At first start, I received a message that the volume took too long to mount and was unmounted. Other than that, everything else worked as expected.
I will try an Leopard upgrade on the old MacBook box next and report back those findings if anything is different. I also have a Mac Pro so maybe the problems are related to the hardware. It would be useful to know what kind of hardware configurations are experiencing problems and how long the VM has been used with Parallels (i.e., created new in 5160) and so on.
Last edited: Oct 28, 2007