Parallels 3.0 Not Working in Leopard 10.5

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by rempe00, Oct 26, 2007.

  1. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    Hello Cmorris05,

    Can you see any text on your screen before Windows is supposed to start loading?
    If you can, please send a screenshot.

    For the moment I can only advise to reinstall Parallels this way:

    a. Go to Finder - Applications - Utilities - Terminal.
    b. Type and run the following commands:
    • sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions/vmmain.kext
    • sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions/hypervisor.kext
    • sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions/Pvsvnic.kext
    • sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions/ConnectUSB.kext
    • sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions/Pvsnet.kext
    • sudo rm -rf /Library/Parallels/
    • sudo rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.parallels.*
    Before you run these commands, please make sure that your VM hdd and pvs files are NOT stored in ~/Library/Parallels.
    c. Reboot your Mac and reinstall Parallels.

    Best regards,
  2. NickT

    NickT Junior Member

    I had a working 5584 Build on Tiger on a MacBookPro. Then I upgraded (upgrade not Archive/Install) to Leopard. Everything else on the machine works fine in Leopard except Parallels. I forgot to uninstall Parallels before doing the upgrade. Parallels will start but I am not presented with my list of VM's and ALL of the menu options on the Parallel mnu are greyed out. I have to quit parallels by right clicking the dock icon. I have uninstalled, rebooted, reinstalled. Forcibly removed using the comments above from Xenos but to no avail.

    In the console I see:
    Apr 14 11:22:01 Macintosh sudo[647]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=nick ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/open /Library/Parallels/Parallels
    Apr 14 11:22:04 Macintosh kextd[10]: kextcache error updating / (error count: 1)
    Apr 14 11:22:16 Macintosh [0x0-0x19019].com.parallels.desktop[653]: QFSFileEngine::eek:pen: No file name specified
    Apr 14 11:22:21 Macintosh kextd[10]: kextcache succeeded with '/' (previously failed)
    Apr 14 11:22:21 Macintosh [0x0-0x19019].com.parallels.desktop[653]: QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
    Apr 14 11:23:24 Macintosh [0x0-0x19019].com.parallels.desktop[653]: QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
    Apr 14 11:23:24 Macintosh [0x0-0x19019].com.parallels.desktop[653]: QObject::startTimer: timers cannot be started from another thread

    Any suggestions as to how to fix this?
  3. HonzaI

    HonzaI Member

    I have simply reinstalled Parallels after upgrade to Leopard and all is working as it was before.

    I did not uninstall before upgrade of the OS. Forgot.

    I have to say, that most grief I got from the windows automounting now stale Mac folders - about half of my mounted Mac folders became stale in Parallels (only half?... weird). Those now caused explorer to get in infinite waiting when I accidentally clicked on them. Had to reset the Parallels WIn system and then carefully unmount the Mac disks and mount them again.

    All other was no problem...

  4. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team


    Jan, thank you for the information.

    Nick, please remove all User-defined Shared Folders from your VM Configuration Editor and disable all Shared Folders and Shared Applications options.

    Launch Windows and check the performance. Reinstall Parallels Tools. Enable Shared Folders and Shared Applications again.

    Best regards,
  5. NickT

    NickT Junior Member

    Hi Xenos,
    I am unable to change the configuration of my VM's as Parallels does not start. The menu bar appears but all the options are disabled and I am not shown my list of VM's. The only way I am going to change the configuration of something is by editing files on the Mac file system.
  6. NickT

    NickT Junior Member

    Hi Xenos, This is resolved now. User error on my part I'm afraid.
  7. bhardam

    bhardam Bit poster

    Please click one of the Quick Reply icons in the posts above to activate Quick Reply.
  8. bhardam

    bhardam Bit poster

    I just replaced Tiger with Leopard (OS10.5.2) on my MacBook Pro and now when I try to open Parallels, I get the message about being unable to operate properly since it cannot communicate with one of its drivers. When I tried to uninstall after repairing permissions, I got a message that I don’t have Parallels on my computer. I bought Parallels in January 2007 and think that I last updated it late last year. It seems to be a catch 22 – what can I do?
  9. tmahoneykneisel

    tmahoneykneisel Bit poster

    Parallels won't launch after installing Leopard.

    I am seeing the same problem over and over but no real solution that I can find. I've sent a message to tech support but I can't have my system down for 3 days until they get around to responding!!! I just loaded Leopard on my IMac and now Parallels won't launch. Worked fine with Tiger.

    One program I have is only on my home computer and I cannot access it without Parallels!!! I am out of business with out it!!!! Please help!!!
  10. bhardam

    bhardam Bit poster


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