Parallels 3 build 5600 and MacFuse version

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Specimen, May 11, 2008.

  1. Member

    Tried 5603, but just go similar error message:

    Unable to Open Disk Image Book Camp;disk0s3

  2. Member

    > Partition is out off first 128 gb

    FYI, this BC partition was working fine until I did an Windoze update recently from within Parallels and had to hard-boot my way out of Parallels. (In the past, I superstitiuosly always did updates in Boot Camp---is that a good idea???).

    Then both Parallels and Boot Camp were broken ("cannot find hal.dll'), which I finally diagnosed as an incorrect default in the boot.ini file, which I fixed, and that fixed Boot Camp. (But I had to install MacFUSE/NTFS-3G to edit the boot.ini file!)

    I am still wondering if the problem remaining here isn't related to boot.ini ??

  3. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    And here is the problem, we found it and developers are working
    It is necessary that Windows to be in the first 128 GB
    Solution is to install Windows in the first 128 GB, for example on External Disk, not necessary on boot volume
    I mean format external disk using Disk Utility with GPT option
    you can use winclone from and backup restore partition to external disk, you can leave old one in place and check it with Windows on external disk
  4. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Did you perform Windows repair from Boot Camp, I think some information from Parallels is still there
  5. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Repair may help, but I am not 100% sure, if you can try ... it will be highly appreciated
  6. Member

    John, I hate to disagree, since you have been *very* responsive, but this boot camp partition has been working fine for months (see my previous posting).

    Is this 128GB issue an intermittent problem or due to a new version of Parallels or Windows XP? Because otherwise, I am concerned that I will go through all the effort of moving it and I will still have the problem I am having.

    Is it possible that loading NTFS-3G caused a reordering of the partitions?

  7. Member

    > Did you perform Windows repair from Boot Camp, I think some information from Parallels is still there.

    Can you be more specific about "Windows Repair"? I did a chkdsk right away (no errors found). What command would you like me to run in Boot Camp?

  8. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    I mean using kb
    What I think (just guess), that some registry information and files(since hard reboot is still in Boot Camp Windows and in registry), and Parallels cannot put its files there, therefore such errors occurs,
    I think the problem is somewhere out there, but we do not have enough information to clarify this
  9. Member

    Ok, I will do the Boot Camp repair... will take a little while...

    In the meanwhile, could you please do me a favor and send me an example of a correct boot.ini file from a Boot Camp partition with Parallels installed.

    Thanks, -CR
  10. Member

    P.S. When I put back the empty .bc_backup folder, Parallels reverted to its previous error "Could not read from selected boot drive". Maybe this folder is required, even if empty?

  11. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    hm, actually one more problem.
    Parallels should recreate than folder actually
    Looks that Parallels still installed not correct,
    Can you please reinstall Parallels also, as I mentioned earlier.
    You do not need to worry about boot.ini Windows repair will set it corrrect
  12. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    I don't understand this out of the first 128 GB issue, mine is beyond this threshold and always worked fine in Boot Camp and Parallels using various MacFuse versions (using 1.7.1 now).
  13. Member

    Hi John,

    I did a full uninstall and then reinstall of Parallels using the dmg file you kindly sent me. The .bc_backup folder was correctly installed at that time. When I deleted the empty .bc_backup folder as per your instructions, the error message changed (see old postings) and then when I put it back (empty) the error message reverted to the original one (see old postings).

    Unfortunately, I was not able to run Windows Repair from my installation disk. I tried all the options but could not find a repair offered (it may be because he installation disk is for SP2 and I now have SP3 installed---I really don't want to unwind my Windows world completely at this point). In any case, my Boot Camp partition seems to be working fine---it's just Parallels I cannot get started.

    With your forebearance, I would still like to pursue the boot.ini direction:

    (1) Could you please send me a copy of a correct boot.ini in the normal state (when Parallels is not running).

    (2) Does Parallels rewrite the boot.ini file every time it runs or just when it installs?

    (3) What is the significance of the following line in an old copy of boot.ini I saved:

    multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Parallels configuration" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptOut

    It looks like there is supposed to be an extra partition for Parallels (even when running boot camp)? If so, it doesn't exist according to diskutil.

    (4) How can I test whether Parallels can actually write to the windows partition? (Maybe it is somehow still broken from MacFuse/NTFS-3G?). Is the Parallels Explorer (never used before) supposed to be able to do this?

    Thanks for your patience,


    P.S. I should have mentioned this before, but although I am having trouble with Parallels, I am no computer novice---I have a Ph.D. in Computer Science, 30 years experience in research and teach at a local university :).
  14. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    We are trying to trace, what is causing this, actually it should work, as in test labs it works on up to 1 tb drives, and I suppose this is not actually 128 gb limitation, but some kind of problem with file copying from Parallels to Boot Camp during start
  15. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    1. for you configuration Boot Camp boot.ini

    [boot loader]
    default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(3)\WINDOW S
    [operating systems]
    multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(3)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

    2. No it replaces boot.ini file

    3. Please ignore it , Parallels will create new entry

    4. This is internal Parallels mechanic, you can use or
    sudo fs_usage -e -f filesys|grep -v CACHE_HIT|grep -v grep|grep -v mds etc <- this is low level and not graphic
  16. Member

    Parallels unable to write to Boot Camp partition?

    Hi John, I did another complete cycle of uninstalling MacFUSE and Parallels and reinstalling Parallels, and it appears to me that Parallels still cannot write to the BC partition. The smoking gun is that when I tried to open the BC VM in Parallels Explorer, I get an error message (cannot access disk, etc.---and I don't have another Parallels job running since restart). Does this make sense to you?

    Here's another oddity. It appears that after installing Parallels, my BC partition is still mounted as 'ntfs' below. I thought I saw other postings that this should read 'fusefs' at this point?

    /dev/disk0s3 on /Volumes/WIN XP (ntfs, local, read-only, noowners)

    I was going to try a manual umount and remount, but I am not sure what the right -t option is in this case (it was '-t ntfs-3g' when I had MacFUSE/NTFS-3g installed).

    Please advise, Tx,

  17. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Situation is as follows:
    1. ntfs is ok untill Parallels unmounts it and mount as fusefs
    2. try to unmount drive first then open Boot Camp vm in Parallels Explorer
  18. Member

    Ok, tried that, but still get same error message from Parallels Explorer: Unable to open...
    (Partition is not mounted afterwards)

    Btw, the BC VM is a totally fresh one created from new install. See attached.

    Are we converged on the problem being that Parallels (e.g., P. Expl) cannot mount/access the windows partition?


    Attached Files:

  19. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    yup, see that,
    I think this is very good case t investigate what happens,
    I can suggest to create ticket and we will investigate problem
    I will need additional information, I cannot ask here
  20. Member

    Oh Joy!

    Is there some way I can manually mount the BC partition as fusefs? I tried moving the mount_fusefs to /sbin, but and using '-t fusefs', but then mount_fusefs complained that it was not supposed to be called directly, but only from MacFUSE library.

    Can you ask developers if there is a way to do the proper mount manually as a temporary workaround?

    Tx, -CR

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