Parallels 4.0 hangs at startup

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Pleiades, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. pcraddock

    pcraddock Member

    Mine is the exact same issue.

    Mine is the exact same issue.... prl_client_app hangs for the Main user but not the Test user. Any ideas?
  2. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    1. Open Terminal from /Applications/Utilities
    2. type commands
    cd Documents
    rm -rf .parallels-vm-directory
    3. Start Parallels
  3. DaleE

    DaleE Member

    In terminal I open and it takes me to my username with a $ sign. I enter cd /usr/local/lib and it says no such directory found. How should I be doing this in terminal OSX 10.5.8
  4. DaleE

    DaleE Member

    Parallels 4 not opening Mas OSX 10.5.8 Exit code 9 - still no solution!

    Have installed Windows 98SE and Windows XP Pro. Using Windows XP Pro when error occured.

    As posted earlier, on iMac 24 enter in terminal cd /usr/local/lib and get "No such directory
    found". Parallels was working when installed. One day a few MONTHS AGO! i clicked on parallels
    icon and nothing happened.
    It was suggested to delete a couple files which I did but no change. This thread also mentions
    removing .parallels-vm-directory which I did and then checked to be sure it was gone. Click on
    parallels icon and nothing happens. It does recreate .parallels-vm-directory.
    Does anyone have a fix yet???????????????
    I have not been able to use Parallels on the iMac for months now.
    May 23 12:55:39 IMAC24[1162] ([0x0-0x13b83b7].com.parallels.desktop.console[94095]): Exited with exit code: 9


    13:01:47.789 F /pvsHostInfo:195:B0513000/ [GetCDList] Can not get dictionary value "od-media-type"
    13:02:57.657 F /pvsHostInfo:195:B038D000/ [GetCDList] Can not get dictionary value "od-media-type"
    13:21:03.698 F /prl_obj:195:B0289000/ Error: cannot open XML file '/Library/Preferences/Parallels/.parallels_updater.xml'!
    13:21:03.724 F /disp:195:B0289000/ Try to send stat report...
    13:21:03.798 F /cmn_utils:195:B0289000/ this system supports ssl
    13:21:03.798 F /cmn_utils:195:B0289000/ user =
    13:21:03.798 F /cmn_utils:195:B0289000/ user e-mail =
    13:21:04.093 F /disp:195:B0289000/ ssl error == The certificate has expired
    13:21:04.094 F /disp:195:B0289000/ ssl error == The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate
    13:21:05.196 F /disp:195:B0289000/ Statistic report was successfully delivered to Parallels Report server. Assigned report id is id 5762382
    13:21:29.380 F /disp:195:B0081000/ CDspVmConfigurationChangesWatcher::vmConfigChanged!! /Users/dale/Documents/Parallels/Windows 98 Clean Install.pvm/config.pvs
    13:21:29.396 F /disp:195:B0081000/ CDspVmConfigurationChangesWatcher::vmConfigChanged!! /Users/dale/Documents/Parallels/My Boot Camp.pvm/config.pvs
    13:21:29.499 F /disp:195:B0081000/ CDspVmConfigurationChangesWatcher::vmConfigChanged!! /Users/linda/Documents/Parallels/My Boot Camp.pvm/config.pvs
    14:01:56.115 F /pvsHostInfo:195:B0513000/ [GetCDList] Can not get dictionary value "od-media-type"

    12:00:10.238 F /pvsHostInfo:195:B0513000/ [GetCDList] Can not get dictionary value "od-media-type"
    12:54:52.249 F /cmn_utils:94086:A07A2720/ ParallelsDirs::Init( ) was called. Current app mode = 1
    12:54:52.368 F /gui:94086:A07A2720/ Failed to load SDK library
    12:54:52.369 F /gui:94086:A07A2720/ Error while initializing SDK. Return code: [-2147483639]
    12:54:52.369 F /gui:94086:A07A2720/ Destructing application object
    12:55:02.330 F /cmn_utils:94091:A07A2720/ ParallelsDirs::Init( ) was called. Current app mode = 1
    12:55:02.352 F /gui:94091:A07A2720/ Failed to load SDK library
    12:55:02.352 F /gui:94091:A07A2720/ Error while initializing SDK. Return code: [-2147483639]
    12:55:02.352 F /gui:94091:A07A2720/ Destructing application object
    12:55:06.586 F /cmn_utils:94092:A07A2720/ ParallelsDirs::Init( ) was called. Current app mode = 1
    12:55:06.606 F /gui:94092:A07A2720/ Failed to load SDK library
    12:55:06.607 F /gui:94092:A07A2720/ Error while initializing SDK. Return code: [-2147483639]
    12:55:06.607 F /gui:94092:A07A2720/ Destructing application object
    12:55:16.096 F /cmn_utils:94093:A07A2720/ ParallelsDirs::Init( ) was called. Current app mode = 1
    12:55:16.130 F /gui:94093:A07A2720/ Failed to load SDK library
    12:55:16.131 F /gui:94093:A07A2720/ Error while initializing SDK. Return code: [-2147483639]
    12:55:16.131 F /gui:94093:A07A2720/ Destructing application object
    12:55:34.138 F /cmn_utils:94094:A07A2720/ ParallelsDirs::Init( ) was called. Current app mode = 1
    12:55:34.151 F /gui:94094:A07A2720/ Failed to load SDK library
    12:55:34.151 F /gui:94094:A07A2720/ Error while initializing SDK. Return code: [-2147483639]
    12:55:34.151 F /gui:94094:A07A2720/ Destructing application object
    12:55:38.982 F /cmn_utils:94095:A07A2720/ ParallelsDirs::Init( ) was called. Current app mode = 1
    12:55:39.005 F /gui:94095:A07A2720/ Failed to load SDK library
    12:55:39.005 F /gui:94095:A07A2720/ Error while initializing SDK. Return code: [-2147483639]
    12:55:39.005 F /gui:94095:A07A2720/ Destructing application object
    13:00:10.206 F /pvsHostInfo:195:B0513000/ [GetCDList] Can not get dictionary value "od-media-type"
    13:57:42.382 F /cmn_utils:94353:A07A2720/ ParallelsDirs::Init( ) was called. Current app mode = 1
    13:57:42.406 F /gui:94353:A07A2720/ Failed to load SDK library
    13:57:42.406 F /gui:94353:A07A2720/ Error while initializing SDK. Return code: [-2147483639]
    13:57:42.406 F /gui:94353:A07A2720/ Destructing application object
    13:57:53.340 F /cmn_utils:94354:A07A2720/ ParallelsDirs::Init( ) was called. Current app mode = 1
    13:57:53.381 F /gui:94354:A07A2720/ Failed to load SDK library
    13:57:53.381 F /gui:94354:A07A2720/ Error while initializing SDK. Return code: [-2147483639]
    13:57:53.381 F /gui:94354:A07A2720/ Destructing application object
    13:58:51.519 F /cmn_utils:94366:A07A2720/ ParallelsDirs::Init( ) was called. Current app mode = 1
    13:58:51.547 F /gui:94366:A07A2720/ Failed to load SDK library
    13:58:51.548 F /gui:94366:A07A2720/ Error while initializing SDK. Return code: [-2147483639]
    13:58:51.548 F /gui:94366:A07A2720/ Destructing application object
    14:00:00.275 F /pvsHostInfo:195:B0513000/ [GetCDList] Can not get dictionary value "od-media-type"
    Last edited: May 23, 2010

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