Parallels 6 on Mountain Lion - Supported?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by DJRumpy, Jul 13, 2012.

  1. RonSchn

    RonSchn Member

    Of course "within the next six months" means that they are going to release version 8 soon, how can anybody doubt this...
  2. RobertHa

    RobertHa Member

    Then why would they even put it in the so-called guarantee?
  3. RonSchn

    RonSchn Member

    Because in this thread:

    They are saying:

    "...we have put our Tech Guarantee into place so that when we ship our next version, customers who are upgrading due to Mountain Lion will receive our next version free-of-charge."
  4. RobertHa

    RobertHa Member

    I wasn't clear: Why even put in the 6-month disclaimer then? Since they put that in, there are two possibilities: they are unsure when they will ship it, they are being dishonest about when they will ship it.
  5. RonSchn

    RonSchn Member

    Maybe legal issues, or that one can't buy version 7 cheaper after version 8 was released and then get 8 for free or.......

    I don't know. Why are you even still posting in this forum if you think you have been robbed anyway?

    Nobody likes paying, but I did and now I'm glad that I will likely get version 8 for free when/if it arrives. So not as bad as expected...
  6. MikeL123

    MikeL123 Bit poster

    "Free of charge upgrade can only be claimed when new version is released and if released within 6 month after the tech guarantee starts with July 25th 2012."

    Again, why put in the 6 month things in the "Tech Guarantee" if they know for sure they will release PD8 soon? They already lied once on the support of PD6 in Mountain Lion and why wouldn't they lie again?
  7. RonSchn

    RonSchn Member

    I don't know, I'm not a lawyer, it could be legal issues?!?

    Just buy it or don't, but stop trolling! It really looks like you are fighting your personal war in this forum...
  8. MikeL123

    MikeL123 Bit poster

    I don't know about others, but I am here because I read parallel's response and the leaving out of "if released within 6 month after the tech guarantee starts with July 25th 2012." in their post about "Guarantee". It is only "...two upgrades for one." if parallel feels like it (by releasing PD8 within 6 month). I don't think they are being completely truthful here and I want to say something.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2012
  9. RonSchn

    RonSchn Member

    Absolutely agree that there should be a message/reply/whatever statement from their side.
  10. RobertWise

    RobertWise Member

    Hello Everyone,
    I have joined this forum to let you know how I have dealt with the Mountain Lion debacle. Like everyone else I was pretty hacked off to find the only piece of software not to work following the upgrade from Lion to ML was Parallels 6. I purchased PD6 exactly one year ago, and at what it cost me I really wasn't happy to find it no longer worked following the ML install. I looked long and hard at ML and considered if it brought much to the party for my Mac usage, the answer was it did not. I know Apple claim around two hundred improvements and I don't doubt their word. However, I was quite happy with Lion and don't see ML as a must have upgrade. With that in mind I have used Time Machine to roll back a week to my Lion install. Worked a treat and Parallels now works again. I know I shouldn't have had to do this and I'm not best pleased myself. What it does allow me to do however, is give the the luxury of deciding what my next move will be without being bounced into something simply because my Windows 7 install was no longer accessible.
  11. StanHvdV

    StanHvdV Bit poster

    uninstall parallels after Mountain Lion

    How can I uninstall Parallels v6 with Win 7 after installing Mountain Lion? I can't not startup Parallels desktop anymore because of the lack of support.

  12. chocobogamer

    chocobogamer Bit poster

    I use parallels mainly for windows live messenger, as messenger mac tends to miss messages each way, and requiring webcam use, ruling out open-source variants.

    I bought my copy less than a year ago, and was not notified of my genuine eligibility to the free upgrade to 7, either by email, or even one of their annoying popups, which on its own is out of order, after all, who frequents a site like parallels' when it has in-app updates (bar the forum if you ever get a problem-i didnt).. But lucky enough to have an understanding retailer who happily accepted my return as they agreed the software is 'no longer fit for purpose under warranty'

    I like parallels and am tempted to wait for v8, but i am one of the many appauled by their customer services, i have previously worked on hackintosh projects, and found that there are files in many applications that restrict usage (adobe cs3's resolution requirements springs to mind), as this software (v6) is officially no longer supported by parallels, then there may be a file that has a 'maximum version' that may be modifiable. I no longer own the software so cannot help, but I hope someone finds this

    In terms of virtualbox/vmware, do either offer inbuilt webcam (isight or whatever its called now lol) support and an equivalent to coherence?
  13. tinisan

    tinisan Bit poster

    Disgusting business practice

    Same here. I find it outrageous that they want to charge us 50 $ to update a software less than a year old. And yes, it is extortion, as we can't access our files in windows without the upgrade. Tried to contact the support team on their website, but you have to pay for that privilege as well!! I'm now looking for alternatives. Boot camp is looking better than ever...
  14. Chris@Parallels

    Chris@Parallels Hunter

    Updates to the Parallels Tech Guarantee

    Hello from Parallels,

    There has been a great deal of discussion on the boards around some of the language in our current Tech Guarantee. We have been following and listening to your comments and wanted to provide some clarification around the question of the time frame of the Tech Guarantee. We have removed the time frame/dates that many of customers were questioning. The updated language in our Tech Guarantee is listed below and the full version can still be found at:

    Upgrade to the next version of Parallels Desktop at no additional cost if you purchase Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac on July 25th, 2012 or later up to eight weeks after the availability of the next version of Parallels Desktop.

    Customers can purchase Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac with confidence that when the next version is released, they will receive the upgrade at no additional charge based on the update to our Tech Guarantee.
  15. JuanCarlosR

    JuanCarlosR Bit poster

    Great deal! If you plan to virtualize Windows 8 then (sarcasm alert):

    You'll pay $50 for a software upgrade that allows you to run a $40 OS upgrade on a $20 OS upgrade

    LOL XD
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2012
  16. Chris@Parallels

    Chris@Parallels Hunter

    Parallels Customer Support

    Thank you for your comments. Parallels phone and chat support is offered to all customers for 30 days after they register their product. Customers who are running versions 5, 6 and 7 of Parallels Desktop for Mac always have the option of submitting an email customer support request at no charge.
  17. misieksss

    misieksss Bit poster


    I have the same thoughts and i didn't upgrade to 7. I installed VirtualBox as an alternative after installation of the Parallels desktop 7 trial to acces my virtual machine which was locked and than VMware converter. I am happy user of the free VirtualBox now.
  18. RobertWise

    RobertWise Member

    As I commented in an earlier post, if Mountain Lion is not a "must have" upgrade, (which having installed it I decided it wasn't in my case) why not roll back to Lion for the time being. That way you can use Parallels 6 again and consider your options at leisure. I find the old maxim "act in haste and repent at leisure" to be a true one. I will now wait and see if Parallels bring out a version 8 or when they bring out a version 8, see what it offers then decide what to do. To be honest I wasn't finding version 7 particularly stable - I downloaded the latest build - trial offer, in order to get access to Windows 7 again. I found the cursor kept flickering and the desktop wasn't 100% either. It is just a thought but perhaps worth thinking about.
  19. RonSchn

    RonSchn Member

    It seems you are still not getting that Apple does not make it's money through their OS, they are making their money through expensive hardware which you already paid. The cheap OS cycles are meant to keep people buying new expensive hardware and software from the MAS... That's where Apple makes their huge revenue, not the damn OS update.
    With Windows 8 it's different, it will be so cheap because MS does not want to loose more market share and keep up at least with their MS office and stuff...

    Software companies like Parallels can't cross-subside their software so they have to make their money out of their software. It's sad that this has even to be explained to people... Dammit people start to think!
  20. ComeTomorrow

    ComeTomorrow Bit poster

    If there were not any ML upgrade problems id say their offer was totally acceptable for a company on the verge of a new release, but their are issues and parallels is showing their users zero love.

    Instead of Parallels acting with goodwill towards their existing users it feels like they are taking advantage of our position doing the minimum necessary. It comes across as measily and stingy.

    What I makes me cranky is that I feel as if I'm being forced into this position with my Windows install being held for ransom.

    I do want to upgrade, and I'm happy to pay, really! I just don't want to be forced. If I'd have known this was an issue during their last sale, I would have jumped, but we weren't told (not anywhere that I can find). And I know that I wouldn't have qualified for the free V8 upgrade, but I'd have had something that worked, and I'd have been happy with that until I needed V8.

    So if they knew this the ML upgrade was going to be an issue, they should have worked really hard to publicise it and do everything they could to get users off V6.. And if they didn't know .. They should be working really hard to get users off V6 now.. Make some noise. But then, even if ML wasn't an issue, a OS update still a great time to try and get users to upgrade.

    Parallels, I know you can do better.

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