Parallels 6 on Mountain Lion - Supported?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by DJRumpy, Jul 13, 2012.

  1. KennethMac

    KennethMac Bit poster

    I'm glad i found this thread. I too feel as if there should have been a better upgrade process and customer support. I have been caught up in the upgrade circle once before and it's way to expensive to go through it again. Maybe I'll reassess after the next version.

    for now i just downloaded the 7 trial version to get access to my files. I'll just either wait or try another product altogether.
  2. acjohnson

    acjohnson Bit poster

  3. Chris@Parallels

    Chris@Parallels Hunter

    Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac - 2012.09.04


    There has been a lot of buzz and questions from our customers regarding "When is Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac" going to be released. Well you asked us, and here is your answer!

    Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac is will be broadly available on September 4, 2012!

    We will also remind folks that our Tech Guarantee is in place, so qualifying purchases of either the upgrading or full license of Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac now will receive an upgrade to Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac at no additional cost.
    What does this mean? Visit our Tech Guarantee page for details:

    While we are excited to let you know the date, we don't want to ruin the surprises we have in store for Parallels Desktop 8!

    Stay tuned for more updates and announcements from the Parallels Team!

  4. PekkaJ

    PekkaJ Bit poster

    Well aren't you a treat. People are complaining about the insanity of the whole update cycle, and how you answer?

    By providing a new software to update to!

    That "Tech Guarantee" seems not to bee that guaranteed at all, so why don't you just make P6 to work with Mountain Lion and write these marketing nonsenses somewhere else, please.
  5. Chris@Parallels

    Chris@Parallels Hunter

    Hi PekkaJ,

    We have posted in this thread information about out Tech Guarantee as well has have this as a separate topic in the forum to highlight the information about the upgrade to the newly announced Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac.

    There have been responses to customers regarding why Parallels Desktop 6 for Mac and the final version/release of Mountain Lion were not compatible. Parallels Desktop 6 for Mac was released in September of 2010, so is now approaching 2 years old which is why with all the changes that are in Mountain Lion and the upcoming Windows 8 release, we released the Tech Guarantee the day Mountain Lion was released on July 25th.
  6. RamanD

    RamanD Bit poster


    Here is Parallels opportunity to make its irate Parallels 6 clients happy. Now that you have version 8 coming out, you should offer 7 as a free upgrade. A good faith gesture such as this will go a long way us. The decision is yours!
  7. alain243

    alain243 Bit poster

    I completly agree with RamanD. In the actual situation, I will never accept to spend a single cent anymore for Parallels products.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2012
  8. Chris@Parallels

    Chris@Parallels Hunter

    Hi RamanD,

    The Tech Guarantee only applies to Parallels Desktop 5 and 6 customers who purchased an upgrade to Parallels Desktop 7 after the Mountain Lion release or for customers who purchased the full license version during this same period . The no-charge key only applies to people who paid for a full version or an upgrade during this period.

    Last edited: Aug 23, 2012
  9. RamanD

    RamanD Bit poster


    Where in my post did you see me write about your tech guarantee! ? As a representative of parallel, I recommend you think your response thoroughly before you post. For seventeen pages, your colleagues and yourself have written about your tech guarantee. Clearly it has not salvaged or repaired your relationship with us, has it?

    My recommendation was for you to suggest to your bosses of a way to restore faith with us irate clients by offering Parallels 7 as a free update to Parallels 6. Parallels 8 is coming out anyways, you're not going to make additional money on 7. The only difference it will make is ease how upset we are with the lack of backwards compatibility of your software with new versions of Mac OS.

    Additionally do yourselves a favour. Stop claiming that it was not possible to make it compatible. WE ARE NOT BUYING YOUR NONSENSE.

    Nothing is impossible. Impossibility is the lack of willingness to find a solution!
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2012
  10. Chris@Parallels

    Chris@Parallels Hunter

    I am sorry that I misunderstood - I have sent you a private message
  11. LucianoF

    LucianoF Bit poster

    So now you could finally tell us when Parallels 8 will be released. Interestingly enough, it's been announced at the same day Fusion 5 has been released.
  12. chocobogamer

    chocobogamer Bit poster


    Your team has chosen to ignore my very specific problem - i was entitled to a free upgrade to 7 but was never made aware of this. I was told by email, basically "tough luck", because your software ran perfectly for me, so i never visited your site.

    I have now followed through with my threat and returned parallels to the vendor, bought vmware (20% cheaper I may add), been notified of v5's availability, applied for the free upgrade.. And received the serial already! So I am running a fully licenced vmware 5 for less than it cost me to buy Parallels 6!

    They may be abandoning 2 year old software too, but at least they let me know the update is ready!
  13. RobertWise

    RobertWise Member

    I really don't know why you guys are still bothering with this issue. This is a company that doesn't care about it's customers. I have now "upgraded" to VirtualBox, it hasn't cost me a penny and it works remarkably well. Certainly serves all my Windows needs, what's more I'm not going to be landed with unexpected upgrade charges.
  14. TSTaylor

    TSTaylor Bit poster

    Wow, this is sad.

    I just spent the last 30 minutes reading responses. I was brought here by my irritation with the "if released within 6 months" upgrade phrase. I'd never heard anything like it, and I wondered if anyone else had a problem with it beside me. Looks like it.

    Seeing the response of Parallels to this situation is really sad. I've been a customer since the first month they opened their doors, upgrading every version. Usually I would wait until the "right price" came along for upgrading. But the recent ML upgrade forces my hand. I'm thinking I've put too much money into Parallels over the years, with upgrades coming too frequently. VirtualBox looks very interesting, and I like the price.

    What I don't understand is how the "buy P7 now, get P8 for free" is any kind of response to peoples' frustration. Pay $50 now, or pay $50 after the release of does that address the issue?

    If I had seen any kind of gracious response on the part of Parallels in dealing with this issue, perhaps I wouldn't be strongly considering other options. You're generating a lot of bad vibes over this, folks, and losing long-time customers.

    Off to DL VirtualBox...

  15. KonradL

    KonradL Bit poster

    As a long time customer, I agree with RamanD. With Parallels 8 ready to distribute why don't you try make all loyal folks happy by upgrading them to P7 for free? They deserve to use Parallels on OS ML, without being forced to $50 upgrade. This would be tremendous for your image in the MAC-users community and easiest thing to do to take away negative feelings. I'm sure many people would be interested in getting back to Parallels software, if treated right, may consider upgrading to P8 for a fee in a future, ie. when they will want Windows 8 on their machines.

    I purchased P4, P5, P6 for myself and P5 and P6 as a gift, as I was happy with software and gave it to my friends - mac users. Truly, I believe parallels installed on my MB PRO with SSD gave me best possible Windows experience on MAC. But now, being forced to upgrade to be able to use with newest $20 OS ML it seems not very fair.

    For now, I installed Parallels 7 trial to recover my files and waved goodbye to it. I have installed Crossover (cost $14) and I run my Windows software thru it, when necessary. Parallels was overall better solution for me, but there is no way you can get me to pay another $50 or even $40 for upgrading P6 to P7. Again, RamanD is 100% right, you still have chance to get loyal people back by upgrading P6 users to P7 for free and leave window open to upgrade for a fee in future. Otherwise, you simply loose them.
  16. TSTaylor

    TSTaylor Bit poster

    This makes perfect sense to me, and it might just go a long way towards securing your customers...and future upgrades.

    Parallels, what do you have to lose? (that you haven't already lost...)
  17. RockstarCondoms

    RockstarCondoms Bit poster

    A Bit Confused

    Hi, I just realized that I was never offered a "free upgrade" to PD7. I understand that it costs money to update software and keep up with the latest Mac OS versions. But why is it only that Parallels has this problem? Most apps last a few years before losing its functionality or at the very least charge a small fee. $50 is a bit steep for an upgrade to PD7. I don't need PD8 just yet. Also, why is it that after "RamanD" posted a stern response directed towards Parallels' upper management that "ChrisParallels" quickly quieted him with a private message? Aren't (we) all PD6 users in this together?! There should be no issues from Parallels to upgrade us to PD7 for free. I purchased PD6 in spring of 2011, and already they are up PD8. That's great, but at least Microsoft does it every 3 to 4 years. Charging an upgrade fee yearly is a bit asinine. We are the supporters of this company. With out us, they are nothing. Who knows how many users downloaded it illegally from some website with a "sail boat" logo. At least we actually purchased PD6.
  18. Richard3

    Richard3 Member

    Awesome, I bought Parallels 7 on Jun 15th so no free update for me.

  19. PedroPereira

    PedroPereira Bit poster

    Free speech ?

    My post was deleted.
    Maybe I'll repost it again, if I feel like it.

    Just wanted you all to know that silencing customers is not the way to go.
    This is wrong ppl, we should not be forced to pay for an upgrade to PD7.
  20. sleepystu

    sleepystu Bit poster

    +1 for another lost REPEAT customer, re; can't turn of ads, and charging for minor bug fixes preventing users from upgrading to a minor update to OS X (Lion > Mountain Lion).

    I just migrated my PD for Mac (V6.x) Windows XP VM to VirtualBox. Instructions easily found by searching Google for "parallels to virtualbox" (I had posted the instructions, but Parallels deleted the post).

    It only took about 30 minutes from start to finish.

    See this related thread for more evidence of Parallels bleeding customers for a variety of reasons:

    Goodbye Parallels!

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