Parallels 6 on Mountain Lion - Supported?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by DJRumpy, Jul 13, 2012.

  1. RobertHa

    RobertHa Member

    Parallels seems to have no problem pushing out unrelated advertisements to paid users, but important details such as this, no mention was made.
  2. RonSchn

    RonSchn Member

    You seem to be the jerk here - Has anybody forced you to update OSX the day the major update arrives? Without informing yourself wether all your software will run or not? (That's what I did, good decision by the way, there are more apps that don't run yet)

    And now IF you upgrade (nobody forced again), you will get the next major update for free. I'd totally prefer a free update or notification prior as well - But no reason to get so pissed off like some people in this thread.

    Because of Parallels giving away the next major version for free now to people who purchase the update now, it seems to me that there are indeed technical reasons why 6 won't run on ML, although I am not a programmer and have no proof.
  3. ApolloX

    ApolloX Junior Member

    One underlying issue that this issue is skirting around is that Parallels releases too many useless updates for the full price of buying the product new. Other than OS compatibility, I haven't used one new feature since 5. Heck, I don't even know (or care) about the new features in 7. In short, Parallels has a history of releasing a yearly update for no purpose other than to rake in cash.

    At least with Adobe you get a substantial price discount when you purchase an upgrade vs buying new. With Parallels, you can get the upgrade and new version everywhere for the same price.

    At the end of the day, you have to decide if you really want to keep buying products from a company that asks you to re-buy every year with no new features (that any one cares about). I don't.

    I will not only be boycotting Parallels, I will be strongly encouraging all of my friends and family to use VMWare or VirtualBox. I'm the one who got most of them hooked on Macs so I suspect they will listen. You didn't just lose one customer from me Parallels, you lost dozens. If the comments in this thread are any indication, you've lost thousands.
  4. ApolloX

    ApolloX Junior Member

    You and I have a different definition of "free". $50 is not free. Stop being a troll and/or jerk.
  5. RonSchn

    RonSchn Member

    Quote my entire sentence if you want to troll me cheapo boy

    "Because of Parallels giving away the next major version for free now to people who purchase the update now, it seems to me that there are indeed technical reasons why 6 won't run on ML, although I am not a programmer and have no proof."
  6. RobertHa

    RobertHa Member

    They now have posted a technical guarantee that means that anyone who buys from now will get 8 - that is a little better but you really hit the nail on the head about the updates/features/value/cost equation that I think they have grossly miscalculated this time.

    I'm now also a bit pissed at them about the date of the new "guarantee". I educated myself about compatibility and purchased 7 on the 24th, so the guarantee for 8 is no good to me. I won't be buying it.
  7. Machist

    Machist Bit poster

    So there is no support coming to Paralles 6 to Mountain lion?
  8. RonSchn

    RonSchn Member

    If they would have chosen the 24th as start date, someone else would say "hey but I have purchased on the 23rd", and the next guy "What about me on the 22nd?"... Get my point?

    Why don't you ask if they can grant you the tech guarantee anyway? Wasn't it the 25th in some time zone already when you purchased or so? ;-)
  9. daenni

    daenni Bit poster

    I can just repeat that a few days ago, a support article on the parallels website indicates that PD 6 will work with ML.

    But the article was changed yesterday, and now the application f the article to PD 6 was deleted

    I read the article, and thought I can aupdate to ML without trouble, and now I should be forced to buy an update that gives no new relevant features to me..

    I will fest virtual box as well.
  10. ApolloX

    ApolloX Junior Member

    My point is offering something free to someone while asking them for $50 is extremely deceptive.
  11. JuanCarlosR

    JuanCarlosR Bit poster

    Bertrand Serlet, who led the development of Mac OS X at Apple (and Workspace Manager in NeXTSTEP) is a member of Parallels' Board of Directors since last week. It's ironic that many users are now changing to VMWare Fusion or VirtualBox because of the new version of his own creation :S; so I wrote him a tweet about that.

    Press release:,31019
  12. ApolloX

    ApolloX Junior Member

    Last edited: Jul 26, 2012
  13. RobertHa

    RobertHa Member

    That contradicts what was posted on the 16th here:

  14. RobertHa

    RobertHa Member

    I agree with you on both points.

    When things calm down, I'll try to make a case for upgrading to 8 since it really was just hours away. If so, I might consider buying 9 at some point. However, I am really having trouble justifying to myself yearly upgrades to a software that I use less and less.

    Parallels really screwed up an opportunity here. Things they could have easily done:

    - Anytime in the past 6 months (reading back in the forum here that is how long they knew this was coming) they could have posted a "Be ready for Mountain Lion" offer at a reasonable upgrade cost (I would guess that $19.95USD would have kept most people happy, $24.95 would have kept the vast majority happy, $29.95 would have kept a lot happy). They had a sale back a few weeks ago at $29.95 - had I realized this was coming I would have upgraded then.

    - Seems virtualbox had the same issues with their platform - their code was updated in 2 hours to run on ML. That doesn't seem like a huge technical hurdle. They could have easily updated their code to be at least partially compatible with ML in a similar timeframe, but that would have given people a reasonable time to upgrade - on their schedule.
  15. alain243

    alain243 Bit poster

    Reclaim the patch

    If I ever upgrade to Moutain Lion (because Apple is accomplice of this unbelievable racketeering operation), I will never buy a new version of Parallels if I am forced this way to.
    Lion was already a terrible experience, in the way certain products (like Logic 8) didn't worked during the first months, pushing customer to pay expensive updates. I never upgraded Logic 8 (it is now compatible with Moutain Lion) and I won't upgrade Parallels Desktop, specially for such an expense price.
    I rather stop using the program for the moment, as I am very upset by the policy of its company.
    As a very dissatisfied customer, I will joint any movement to reclaim a patch for the previous version of Parallels Desktop, in order to be able to use a product I legally bought.
    I will look for petitions and protest-comminity of users.
  16. lastzion

    lastzion Bit poster

    The thing that gets me, is us early adopters, the ones that installed ML on the first day (or had developer accounts) are the same people that SELL YOUR SOFTWARE. We sell it via word of mouth to our friends and families that ask for solutions.

    You are killing the golden goose.
  17. JuanCarlosR

    JuanCarlosR Bit poster

    I agree with you lastzion, as an early adopter (have used PD since release 2) I have showed and recommended Parallels (Desktop and Server) to many users in the past and most of them have become Parallels clients; but not anymore, I am going to give a chance to VM Ware products for Mac :)
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2012
  18. dale.sheets

    dale.sheets Bit poster

    $50 upgrade to use a $20 upgrade... Ridiculous!

    I have to agree with the other posts that having 6.0 break with Mountain Lion upgrade is bad. There should be a free patch to 6.0 to make it work again with Mountain Lion.

    I have been upgrading from 3.0, but I am going to have to look for a different alternative.

    This was a bad marketing decision on the part of Parallels...
  19. akharrod

    akharrod Bit poster


    I have only had Parallels a little over a year and I was NEVER offered a free update to PD7. If this is what I can expect, I will switch back to VMware. Pretty crazy.
  20. tucktuck

    tucktuck Junior Member

    I just migrated my disk to VirtualBox and it's just fine for my purposes.

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