Parallels Desktop 12 F6 toggle not working properly in full screen mode

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Francisco1, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. Francisco1

    Francisco1 Junior Member

    In Parallels Desktop 12 (VM: Windows 10 full screen mode), F6 can toggle from Windows 10 to mac OS but NOT vice versa. When I press F6 in Mac OS, I can see only the menu bar changes to parallels desktop, but the screen focus is not redirected to windows 10. Any solution? It was working perfectly before I upgraded from v11 to v12.
    NormanJ1 likes this.
  2. Francisco1

    Francisco1 Junior Member

    any one has this problem too?
  3. NormanJ1

    NormanJ1 Bit poster

    I have just updated to the latest Parallels 12 patch and still have the same issue. Also the same with original Parallels 12 release
    MacBookPro 13" 10.11.6
    Windows 10 latest
    Dual Monitors - operating in clamshell mode - "Use All Displays in Full Screen"
    Parallels 11 - F6 would toggle between Mac OS and Virtual Machine
    When in Mac OS - F6 brings Control Center to foreground
    When in Windows VM - F6 doesn't have any impact
    Also.....Using a standard Windows Keyboard
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2016
  4. LeifD

    LeifD Bit poster

    I got the same problem. Unfortunately, I don't see any solution on your thread so it seems that nobody from support is interested to help.

    I was not able to switch between Mac and Window with the F6 key since I updated from PD11 to PD12 when MacOS Sierra came out. Everything works perfectly if I do not use Windows in fullscreen mode.

    I just installed the latest version of MacOS (10.12.1) and the latest build of parallels (12.1.0 (41489)) but still no luck. My problem is similar to the one described above:

    The exact behavior depends on the state of the MacOS system.

    If no MacOS window is active in the background:

    From Windows full screen, when I hit F6 I just see my mouse cursor change to the MacOS cursor. The rest of the screen still shows Windows.

    If a MacOS window is active in the background:

    From Windows full screen, when I hit F6, the system goes to MacOS correctly.

    From MacOS, hitting F6 just opens the control center but not Windows full screen.

    I hope that someone will look into this problem. It persists already for more than 3 months!
  5. VernN

    VernN Bit poster

    Installed Parallels 12 two nights ago and have identical issue as Francisco1. I can f6 from Mac Sierra to Windows but not from Windows to Mac.
    f6 does work if Windows is any size other than full screen. Followed instructions at:, no change.
    There were only 4 posts here since August so It doesn't seem to be a widespread problem.
    Searching for a solution.
  6. MeyerJ

    MeyerJ Junior Member

    I think this problem is related to macOS Sierra. Until yesterday I used Parallels Desktop V11 and later V12 on my iMac with OS X "El Capitan". In this environment the F6-toggeling between Windows (7 and 10 PVMs) and OS X worked correctly. Yesterday I upgraded to macOS "Sierra" (Parallels Desktop installation untouched) and now the F6-error (only) in fullscreen mode occurs ...
  7. Swati@Parallels


    Hello Meyer, have you tried reinstalling Parallels Tools as suggested in the article? If not, please try and let us know how it goes!
  8. MeyerJ

    MeyerJ Junior Member

    OK - I reinstalled Parallels Tools but could not observe any change, the issue persists. The only thing which is remarkable when I press the F6 button during fullscreen mode of my virtual machine is that the cursor shape reverts form the Windows shape to the macOS shape.
  9. MeyerJ

    MeyerJ Junior Member

    In addition to my last post: since Parallels Desktop V5 I use a windows logout script to automatically minimize the fullscreen presentation of my windows virtual machine on logout and shut down. This script invokes a macOS program which was generated with the follwing Apple Script Code:

    tell application "System Events"
    if exists process "Parallels Desktop" then
    tell application "System Events"
    set visible of process "Parallels Desktop" to false
    end tell
    end if
    end tell

    Since my upgrade to macOS Sierra this minimization also does'nt work anymore.
  10. MeyerJ

    MeyerJ Junior Member

    I created a support request referring to this knowledge base article [Parallels #2355666]
  11. VernN

    VernN Bit poster

    Since my post on 12/17/16 Sierra had an update 10.12.2
    I was hoping this would fix the f6 problem. It didn't.
    F6 will still go from the Mac to Win 10 but when Windows is full screen the f6 most of the time only changes the mouse pointer.
    The exceptions are when Windows is not full screen or sometimes when I have an open program on the Mac, like now. I am typing this in Firefox. I can hit f6 and it will toggle back and forth between the two.
    When I close Firefox the toggle will quit working.
  12. MeyerJ

    MeyerJ Junior Member

    Today I have been informed by Parallels about the status of my support request #2355666:
    " ... Your request now is handled by Secondline Technical Support. Your case has been escalated to the Development Team for further investigation. While we do not have ETA for the fix, it has been prioritized appropriately and you can track the changes in the product at"
  13. KenN1

    KenN1 Bit poster

    I am having the same issue.
    - Parallels Desktop 12.1.3 (41532)
    - macOS Sierra 10.12.2

    F6 in Windows only changes the cursor image, F6 in Mac seems to have no impact
  14. EricW6

    EricW6 Bit poster

    I have the same issue. This week they sent me a link to the updates page and told me to just keep waiting. I have upgraded twice to V12 and had to go back down to V11 where F6 still works fine with Sierra. F6 is critical to my workflow. :-(
  15. LeifD

    LeifD Bit poster

    This problem now already persists for more than half a year. What am I paying for with each update? The F6 toggle is an essential feature. I am now running the guest operating system in a window for over half a year and basically waste a significant portion of my screenspace. How can I track the progress for fixing this issue? The link to" does not help. Using MacOS 10.12.4 and Parallels Version 12.2.0 (41591). Does this affect only a small group of users with specific systems/configurations or does it affect all systems?
  16. VernN

    VernN Bit poster

    Desktop 12 instillation did not fix the issue. Until Parallels comes up with a solution I've been using the Apple+Tab keys to switch between OS's
  17. EricW6

    EricW6 Bit poster

    I paid for the upgrade to 12 and I still have to use version 11 six months later because of this issue. They seem to be ignoring it. I check the updates page every couple weeks to no avail. I have been a huge fan of Parallels for many years, but this one issue has me losing faith. Please fix this!!!
  18. EricW6

    EricW6 Bit poster

    This STILL hasn't been addressed. It is driving me crazy.
  19. MeyerJ

    MeyerJ Junior Member

    ... Yes: you're so right. I propose you open a Support request as I did on december 26, 2016 (refer to my post above). At that time they answered my request #2355666:

    " ... Your request now is handled by Secondline Technical Support. Your case has been escalated to the Development Team for further investigation. While we do not have ETA for the fix, it has been prioritized appropriately and you can track the changes in the product at"
  20. EricW6

    EricW6 Bit poster

    I opened case#2348747 on December 6th, the very day I upgraded to V12. I opened another case again case #2407501. In both cases I submitted a problem report. They just send a link in the canned response they gave you to the parallels updates page and tell me to keep looking for a fix. What's worse is that I actually do go look every month or so.

    I have been using this feature since version 4. I have upgraded every year. I work for a software company, and waiting for the better part of a year for something that was broken in a new release seems a bit unreal.

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