Parallels Desktop 3.0 for Mac and Windows Vista Boot Camp 1.3?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by flaiodanny, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. flaiodanny

    flaiodanny Junior Member

    Has anyone tried to use 3.0 and boot into Windows Vista? I cannot get it to work. I created the VM and Windows Vista boots up fine in Parallels, but once it has loaded and the welcome screen appears, the VM freezes and I cannot move the mouse, type, and everything stops (even the orange notification start bar boxes freeze).

    Can someone help? I think it may have something to do with the fact that BC 1.3 just came out today as did Parallels, so there is some incompatibility. I've been watching the area by the clock in windows, where icons of running programs go, and I think it freezes right when Boot Camp tries to load.
  2. alanh2856

    alanh2856 Bit poster

    Same issue! Right after it gets past the welcome screen it freezes. Any help out there?
  3. flaiodanny

    flaiodanny Junior Member

    I would try to remove Boot Camp and see if it boots right in Parallels, but then I won't be able to boot directly to Vista (I'm using Vista Business, BTW).

    Anymore people with the same problem?

    Update: I booted into Vista in Safe Mode and everything worked, so I think that it is a problem with Boot Camp 1.3 or one of the drivers that boot up due to BC.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2007
  4. dfozzati

    dfozzati Bit poster

    same issue, ive tried everything. I suspect that bootcamp 3.0 is the problem
  5. iNfEk

    iNfEk Junior Member

    yup same problem here as well. i posted my symptoms in another thread and someone lead me here.

    it's when parallels is attempting to install parallel tools is when the freezing occurs. I was able to use vista if I cancelled the installation.
  6. zhou Libo

    zhou Libo Bit poster

    I have the same problem and rather than that I can not connect to Interenet with PD3 and Vista BM1.2.
  7. flaiodanny

    flaiodanny Junior Member

    How do you cancel the installation of parallels tools?
  8. flaiodanny

    flaiodanny Junior Member

    I booted into safe mode and installed Parallels tools there, but when I boot into regular mode, it still freezes. Can someone from parallels help?
  9. meatlocker

    meatlocker Bit poster

    Same issue with Vista. This is a nightmare. Clearly there is a compatibility issue between Bootcamp 1.3 and Parallels 3.0. How in the world did you guys let this go out the door before testing it? The Bootcamp announcement came hours before you posted the download for 3.0. You could have held off for a day or two to get the fix in and tested. Seriously, unbelievable.

    I will be requesting my refund today. Thank God Fusion Beta 4 is out.
  10. komer83

    komer83 Bit poster

    looks like i have the same problem.

    moving to fusion, it works, paralles doesnt...sorry dear developers, i wont buy your software.
  11. flaiodanny

    flaiodanny Junior Member

    Is parallels known for releasing quick bug fixing versions? If not, I may be requesting a refund too.
  12. VTMac

    VTMac Pro

    You've got to be kidding!! Hours?? You think they have someone whose job is to refresh the apple page so that something at Apple doesn't change hours before they release!?!?!?!

    You clearly have no clue about what goes into software development, and have expectations that are so far misaligned with reality that is nothing short of comedic.

    If you want to be peeved, but peeved with Apple for their archaic secrecy policies that prevent 3rd party software developers from getting any sort of heads up on impending changes so that they can ensure compatibility.

    I'm sure there will be a patch shortly, but to be po'ed because the Parallels magic 8 ball didn't tell them that Apple would be releasing a new version of Bootcamp today is just ridiculous.
  13. flaiodanny

    flaiodanny Junior Member

    As long as there is a patch within the next week, I'm happy.
  14. gooberdlx

    gooberdlx Junior Member

    I'm having the same issues... after Parallels incorrectly identified my Boot Camp partition as an XP install...
  15. meatlocker

    meatlocker Bit poster

    Last edited: Jun 8, 2007
  16. meatlocker

    meatlocker Bit poster


    Give me a break, fanboy. This is a company whose entire business model is predicated on what Apple releases and when. I assure you that there is indeed "someone who refreshes the Apple web page" or is more likely under NDA with Apple that there is an imminent release of Bootcamp coming.

    Now go back to playing WOW in your parent's basement and leave the software development to the grownups that do this for a living.
  17. fisherfrontier

    fisherfrontier Bit poster

    Boot Camp 1.3 Drivers Causing Freeze Under Parallels?

    Same issue here. Downloaded and installed the Apple Boot Camp 1.3 drivers for Vista. Then downloaded and installed Parallels 3.0. Then, when starting up Vista within Parallels 3.0, Vista locks up right around the time that the Boot Camp drivers are loading within Vista. I get a few seconds of mouse movement and keyboard functionality before Vista locks up, after which Parallels continues to consume approximately 105% of my iMac's CPU.

    I'm guessing that this is something that the Parallels team will be able to overcome on their side; perhaps in a soon-to-be-released update?
  18. Ankou

    Ankou Guest

    We are investigating these problems currently, if any incompatibility with Parallels Desktop 3.0 and Bootcamp 1.3 will be confirmed - it will be fixed very soon with the next minor (free) update for Parallels Desktop 3.0. Any feedback from you with the details on reproducing the problems you are experiencing will be helpful to us on investigating such issues.
  19. VTMac

    VTMac Pro


    Fanboy?? Wow, that's really clever. And WOW and the writing code in parents basement .. sheer genius. How do you come with stuff? What street corner do you perform you act on??

    Exactly what grown up software development things have you done? Some little perl script haxies?? Perhaps a bit of php on lamp?
  20. Ammon

    Ammon Bit poster

    For me it seems to lock up when I see the "windows onecare" icon pop up in the tray, so I'm going to reboot into bootcamp and turn off onecare and see if that helps.

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