Parallels Desktop 3 > PIECE OF CRAP

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Amber242, Jun 8, 2007.

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  1. dippyskoodlez

    dippyskoodlez Member


    You do realize that taking after "americans" in the angry pissed off customer voice, like you said, is taking after the monkeys in this country that are normally escorted out of the resturaunt via manager or police right? ;)
  2. Gibraltarmonkey

    Gibraltarmonkey Bit poster

    Haha ... Until now I was just lurking but thought I'll make a comment. (and before you start complaining about my grammar or spelling - I am German - I am allowed to write like a donkey)

    It is really amazing how many people actually defending Parallels and their practices when it comes to their product.

    I am working now with Virtualization for almost 10 years (certified VCP for starters) and I am using as Enterprise Solution the ESX Server from VMWare and for the client solution VMare workstation ... This is just to show that I usually know what I am talking about when it comes to virtualization.

    Anyway, I do agree with some complains but I don't agree with the way people asking for help or complainaing. This is neither mature nor professional ..

    Anyway2 : I started to use Parallels simply for the fact that I bought a Mac laptop and I needed to run certain monitoring tools for our Windows server farm which are simply not available for Mac or Linux ... And Parallels was the first company advertising a full product and not a Beta like VMWare and for "Warranty" reason and internal company procedures I went ahead and tested it on my little private MacBook ...

    The first flaw with Parallels : You get the link to the forums via email only when you bought the product.. So you basically have no chance to read about peoples problems before you get your credit card out of your wallet ... So far I never run into any problems, however, I really just use it for two programs installed on a virtual XP .. so I don't really demand anything from it .. And that being said : I think this is exactly the "problem" of all supporter of Parallels ... If you really need what Parallels promises you do run eventually into problems, started USB support and so on ....

    When then people complaining not just once about support not being supportive .. or dead phone lines even though they have bought the phone support, then there is def. something wrong .. Sure .. Parallels is not that expensive, but a blank DVD isn't either and yet you are annoyed when the media doesn't work.

    I did follow the advertising of version 3 from the beginning and the advertising was def. misleading ....

    Personally, I want support if needed, I want a stable product if advertised and I don't want false promises .... That being said : I stick with my VMWare products, even if they are in Beta ....

    And yet again : it doesn't help you to complain in an aggressive manner. If Parallels is as bad as most people here in the thread think, other websites will release reviews soon enough ... If you are fine with it - cool - stick with it ..

    And if you don't get a reply to your refund question : Ey, magic word is charge back .... Don't make your life more difficult than it already is :) It just gives you a heart attack :)
  3. Amber242

    Amber242 Junior Member


    I just received confirmation that my payment for false advertised software - Parallels Desktop 3.0 - will be returned.

  4. Stevamundo

    Stevamundo Pro

    People, just wait for 3.5 or something. This 3D technology in virtualization is BRAND-NEW. In fact this whole virtualization technology is fair new too.

    Also I can understand why people are upset by Parallel's marketing. I use Parallels only for their good product. If their product was as bad as their marketing and support most of the time, then I'd dump Parallels a long time ago.
  5. crag

    crag Member

    But VMWare never claimed it did. tha's the differnece. i don't see VMWare telling everyone "You can run half-Life and many of the hottest 3D games".

    You don't get it do you? I don't care that this is infant technology. i don't care whar VMFusion runs? I do care about being conned. There was no trail available when i got the 5th email reminding me to "upgrade now to save 10 bucks". Nor was there a release doc telling what games MIGHT (cause most of their list do not run) run.
  6. AlanH

    AlanH Pro

    @crag: You have three constructive options:

    1. Open a class action law suit against Parallels for misrepresentation in their marketing literature, and hope to win damages for ... whatever damage you feel you have suffered.

    2. Ask for your upgrade money back from Parallels, which I believe they have indicated is readily available without resorting to lawyers' fees.

    3. Sit back and wait for Parallels to come up with a product that meets or exceeds your expectations.

    You seem to be focusing an option 4 at the moment - boring the socks off the rest of us. I guess it makes you feel better, but I doubt if it will have any other material effect.
  7. crag

    crag Member

    I know. Just venting.

    And I choose refund. But I do hold out hope that the company will do the right thing. Admit mistakes and take action. Anyway I got Fusion. Yawl won't see me again Good luck. I gotta a feelng you are gonna need it. ;)
  8. AlanH

    AlanH Pro

    I don't need luck, I use my skull. I didn't buy the upgrade.
  9. akmedia

    akmedia Bit poster

    BlackBerry Support


    First of all, I have posted this issue in two threads and that may violate some forum TOS but I'm really too ticked off to care.

    I have stuck with Parallels from nearly day one. In version 2.x my BlackBerry worked just fine. Then after 2.5.x the VM would see the BlackBerry but would just time out and not sync, backup or anything. I alerted Parallels to the issues (and I'm sure others did as well since everyone I see in NYC and elsewhere has one) and yet no fix.

    Now I purchase a major upgrade to Paralllels and guess what: still no BB support!!!

    Now for all the Parallels fans that may say I'm doing something wrong -- BB support exists RIGHT NOW in VMWare since Beta 2! Please offer suggestions if you think you can help me to get my BB to work in Parallels but if you are just going to tell me that USB support is difficult and that one day the Parallels team will get it right, here's what I'm going to do:

    1. Call Parallels Sales Department and ask for a refund of the $39.99 I paid for the 'upgrade.'

    2. Call American Express and make sure that I do receive a refund or I will dispute the charge.

    3. Write a letter to the FTC for falsely advertising that Parallels works with BlackBerry devices.

    4. Buy VMWare Fusion.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2007
  10. dippyskoodlez

    dippyskoodlez Member


    This is why they used a closed beta.

    Because people whine and complain something isn't working, with a technology thats brand new to even the developers.

    Now, instead of filling this place with more FUD, please go whine and complain to vmware devs that they aren't doing things right. I don't think they have enough motivation.
  11. akmedia

    akmedia Bit poster

    Really??!! Do you really consider complaining about adverised features that do not work (and haven't worked since v. 2.0.x) whining???

    I think your assersion is pompous and self-righteous. Like many others in this forum, emails have been sent to the developers and there is never a response.

    And, quite frankly, many people use these forums to determine whether or not to purchase this product. If they are counting on BlackBerry support they should not be wasting their money on Parallels at this time.

    One more thing: I would be 'whining' if this software was free. It is not, however. I have paid for software that is advertised to work with a particular device and it does not. Therefore, I am not whining.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2007
  12. BlueSkyISdotCOM

    BlueSkyISdotCOM Member

    Have you enabled Direct X in the VM config, under video? The default setting is "Off." Hope this helps.
  13. akmedia

    akmedia Bit poster

    Thanks for the suggestion! I will try and post back if it works.
  14. SnakeEyes

    SnakeEyes Member

    I have no need for 3D support. Parallels is faster and SmartStart is what has been on my wishlist for a long time now. Kudos
  15. dippyskoodlez

    dippyskoodlez Member

  16. Naman

    Naman Bit poster

    I work for VMWare, so I'm really getting a kick out of most of these replies...

    Seriously, though, I don't work for VMWare, and in all honesty, what I'm seeing is not "trolling" from these people, but people who paid for what was advertised as a Ferrari and got a Pinto. Honestly, I'd be one of them too if I had actually bought a copy of Parallels, but I'm very, very stingy, and am not willing to drop $80 on it without knowing for sure it will give me what I want. As such... it's still a race between Parallels and VMWare to see who will get the money of people like me, and much as I respect and laud the developers of Parallels, the marketing end of the company needs a lot of work.

    To wit, Parallels' marketing department is "disrupting" (I think you meant "impugn?") Parallels' reputation. People are mentioning VMWare because currently, they're looking a lot more scrupulous than Parallels, and in many respects, they have a better product available, which is currently in free beta.

    I must admit, I was very, very bummed by the way this went down. The way Parallels 3.0 was advertised had me expecting to at least be able to run DX7 games well, and at the _very_ least, it would do a better job of things than VMWare Fusion. It didn't, I didn't buy it, and I'm here to speak as a prospective buyer and to back up the poor people who bought into the false advertising.

    Finally, there are a ton of "new" people "trolling" because people are more likely to speak out if you piss them off, and, well, Parallels' advertising pissed quite a lot of people off. :p Also, to be quite honest, your continued decrying these people as trolls irks me somewhat, so I leave you with the words of a wise man: Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brothers eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
  17. akmedia

    akmedia Bit poster

    Wow. Very imaginative! Love the conspiracy narrative! Kudos.

    I am one of those people that have 'trolled' the forum for quite some time and thus would be considered a newbie. What you need to understand is that sometimes people get ticked off enough to post. Conspiracy theories aside, I paid for Parallels and paid for the upgrade. I like many of the features offered by this program so I've stuck with it.

    But as a consumer I do expect a product to deliver what it promises -- whether it is a piece of software or a toaster -- particularly after a major paid upgrade.

    And if these forums are just entertainment for you, "You seem to be focusing an option 4 at the moment - boring the socks off the rest of us..." then you just need to get out more...

    And to BlueSkyIsDotCom, enabling DirectX did not fix the issue but thanks for the suggestion.
  18. dippyskoodlez

    dippyskoodlez Member


    You haven't noticed the same few people joining in in most threads where ones trying to troubleshoot a problem, to do nothing that cry that parallels isn't delivering for them, and they are angry?

    Sounds like trolling to me.

    Hell, look at the title of the thread for that matter. All caps. Nothing but whining.

    Troll to me. Vmware employee or not.

    They show nothing but contempt for parallels's efforts these days, and have expectations as high as the sky.

    Where does this NOT fit trolling?
  19. Naman

    Naman Bit poster

    I'm not sure what parts of the internet you're used to, but the parts I'm familiar with universally know the difference between trolling and complaining. These people are making legitimate complaints, and they're very rightfully angry. Ideally, they'd be calm and circumspect in their making these complaints, but just because (and keep in mind, these people paid for the upgrade; it's hard to be calm and even-headed when you feel you've been conned) they're not doesn't make them trolls.

    Trolls are people out for giggles at others' expense--people out to offend and irritate others-not people angry with a company who enticed them into spending money with extremely misleading (and outright false in some cases) advertising. These people, at least to me, are just ticked off and not being level-headed. They're not posting to be dicks for fun, they're posting because they feel like they're being at least partly ignored in their legit complaints, and they want other people to be aware of what's going on from their viewpoint.

    The refund is great, and it might save SWsoft from a class-action lawsuit, but it doesn't change the fact that they wronged an awful lot of people.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2007
  20. Stevamundo

    Stevamundo Pro

    Wow, a class action law suite? You people have to be kidding.

    Yes maybe Parallels' marketing is a joke. HOWEVER you people are acting like Parallels 3.0 is utterly useless WHICH IS NOT TRUE. I have two VMs going in 3.0 right now. I have 3.0 going just like I did in 2.5 plus I have limited 3D capability now.

    Yes you should be mad at the marketing because I do think it's misleading a little. However with that said I have no complaints about spending $40 on 3.0. Because I know that 3.0 is only the beginning of 3D technology in VMs. Technology needs time to develop.

    While you have the right to complain about marketing. However don't take this overboard.
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