Parallels Desktop for Mac 13 Black Screen

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by GavinP1, Sep 20, 2017.

  1. Nekrium

    Nekrium Bit poster

    When I start Parallel and Windows 10 I see a black screen and can't do anything. None of the restart/stop/reset tricks is working. If I had to uninstall Windows, would I lose all my data? I would like to recover some files that I downloaded, but I don't know how to do it since the screen is black.
    Could anyone help me?
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, what is your Parallels Desktop and macOS version?
  3. ScottA17

    ScottA17 Bit poster

    I am having the same problem. No reset methods are working.
    My macOS is High Sierra 10.13.6 and I am running the latest version of Parallels Desktop 16.5.0

    Attached Files:

  4. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, did you try to play with virtual machine graphic settings?
  5. ScottA17

    ScottA17 Bit poster

    Hi, No I am not aware of this method how is this done?
  6. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Please open VM configurations -> Hardware -> Graphics -> change memory size and check the issue.
  7. PeterR28

    PeterR28 Bit poster

    I have Mac OS Catalina and Windows went Black screen. I have read previous posts on this topic but I don't understand the solution?
    When it says 'Actions > Reset' what does that mean? How do I 'reset'?
    I have tried restarting Parallels - no luck - still black screen.
  8. GampaA@P

    GampaA@P Pro

  9. ChristopherW24

    ChristopherW24 Junior Member

    I had this problem while trying to boot my Arch Linux guest. It caused the VM screen to be completely black and consume 100% CPU. I could not even get into boot options or boot from a live ISO.

    I wasn't aware of doing anything to cause it. I initially suspected a corporate security update or that Parallels had automatically updated, so it took me a while to find the actual cause. I could see nothing in the logs to give me any clue. It turned out the VM's NVRAM had somehow got corrupted. This is how I solved it:
    • I renamed NVRAM.dat to NVRAM.dat.bak (this is found in the virtual machine package, e.g. ~/Parallels/Windows.pvm)
    • I booted the VM, which caused a fresh NVRAM.dat file to be created
    • I used an Arch Linux live CD to restore the UEFI entry in the NVRAM
    • I rebooted the VM
    Even though this is Linux, I'm not sure the problem is specific to Linux, so it might still be worth trying with Windows. I am not sure how you would go about restoring the UEFI entry for Microsoft Windows, though. The problem was a firmware issue, so it was happening before Linux had even booted. It's possible Linux caused the issue; however, usually Linux doesn't meddle with things like NVRAM without asking you first. It's still a mystery what caused this in the first place.

    I hope someone else finds this information useful.
  10. DebasmitaM

    DebasmitaM Forum Maven

    Hello, which Mac OS you are running?
  11. DebasmitaM

    DebasmitaM Forum Maven

    Hello, we appreciate your response.

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