Hello everyone!
Parallels Desktop for Mac Beta 3 is now available for download.
Additional details and download information is available on this page:
PLEASE REMEMBER: this is a beta software, and like any other beta software you should treat it very carefully. Do not install this Beta 3 into the production environment yet. Do backup your virtual machines before trying them with Beta 3.
This beta does not introduce any new functionality, but provides several very important fixes to the problems found in previous Betas:
* Coherence now handles round windows like Windows Media Player or Winamp correctly.
* Fullscreen and Coherence mode on secondary monitor fixed.
* Guest pixel size calculation was fixed applications like MS Access or MS PowerPoint should handle graphs correctly.
* Guest Linux screen resolutions in 24 bit mode fixed.
* Possiblity to switch off Command+ZXCV mapping or swap Control and Command keys introduced (the feature was requested by a number of beta-testers)
* Several USB 2.0 fixes more bulk devices to work since now. The work on web cameras and other isochronous devices is still in progress.
* And many others
As usual, any feedback is extremely appreciated at
beta@parallels.com mailbox.
Best regards,
Tim and the Parallels Team
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