Now that the iPad Pro will run on a M1 chip, can we expect a Parallels for iPad OS so that we can run Linux on an iPad?
Parallels is not an emulator - its hardware virtualization. A program like UTM is emulating different processors but Parallels is just virtualizing the ARM processor in the M1 iPad.
Well now that iPad has same M1 processor and memory and Mac what technically is the barrier? Yes, Apple would need to approve for the App Store but are there any technical barriers to bring it to iPadOS?
It really depends on how Apple words it's developer's license, but doesn't Windows ARM have the code built into it to emulate an Intel processor? Android runs on an ARM processor. Do you think Apple would allow Android to run on an iPad? Remember Apple can change the terms of the agreement prospectively at pretty much any time.
Folks, for various reasons this is a long shot IMO. Unless Apple builds in virtualization supports in iPadOS and then allows third party software like Parallels Desktop to access it, this is a dead end. And then they need to enable downloads on App Store. It could happen if they see the need. Especially, if Apple wants to provide a "Windows tablet experience" to their iPad users. That would be like Apple enabling iMessage on Android.
Better analogy: that would be like Apple supporting MacOS as a VM in a Windows laptop or iOS as a VM in Android
Hardware support for hypervisor existed in A14 chip and certainly exists in M1 chip. You are correct that iPadOS would need to support hypervisor.
WTF kind of non answer is this? The question isn't about Parallels Desktop 16.5. It's also not a question about if Parallels Desktop 16.5 can currently run on an iPad. As the version number "16.5" clearly shows, versions change. Allow me to rephrase ugoP1's question..... Are there discussions taking place at Parellels to make revisions/changes/improvements, to Parellels Desktop, that will be designed to run on the soon to be released M1 iPad Pro? Ya know, maybe version 16.6?
Agree. Parallels no longer provides human-to-human support despite going to subscription service. This is true for their Parallels Toolbox for MAC. Their bot and algorithm cannot put a round peg into a square hole. When are they going to get it?