Parallels Drains battery to 0% while mac is in supposed to be in "sleep" mode

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by MatthewWill, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. VarunMalhotra

    VarunMalhotra Bit poster

    Hi, I am wondering if the Parallels team has a solution to this problem? Report ID: 45969545

    This is really frustrating, please suggest a solution as soon as possible.
  2. Jiřà H

    Jiřà H Bit poster

    Same problem. Thanks for helping
    ID: 46315645
  3. GWitek

    GWitek Bit poster

    I have had the same problem since OS X 10.9.2. Maddening. My Report ID just submitted is 46502468.
  4. GWitek

    GWitek Bit poster

    So, I am very interested in knowing why this post has essentially stopped. I am in the middle of Parallels doing trial-and-error testing every few days - without success. Have any of you received a true fix? TIA.
  5. WardJeff

    WardJeff Bit poster

    Come in Parallels...come in Parallels....hiss, anyone there?....

    It would be nice to hear from you on this problem, even if it's only a courtesy reply to say you're looking into it. Right now, we've spent a lot of money on your product and all it's doing in return is ruining our battery life. Maintaining radio silence is no way to look after your customers.
  6. Hello Jeff,

    Parallels Development team is indeed working on the resolution for this behavior. We cannot provide you with any ETA, but the resolution will be delivered asap. As a workaround we recommend you a) to suspend VM prior to putting Mac to sleep; b) to disable PowerNap feature setting on Mac: Choose 'System Preferences' from the 'Apple' menu > Click 'Energy Saver' > Click the 'Battery' tab and then uncheck the option "Enable Power Nap while on battery power".

    For all users who experience (and experienced) this behavior, we are truly looking forward for your comprehension and apologize for all inconveniences caused.
  7. AlexanderA2

    AlexanderA2 Junior Member

    It's been 5 years and I have been having this problem with PD 15.1.2 (latest). Please let know what the status of this issue is.
    Thank you.
  8. DawidM

    DawidM Junior Member

    Oh, it looks like mine problem too (described in different topic). Computer is going "sleep", but still draining power and running funs. I have logs from pmset of two suspend tries - one success, with PD & VM not running, and another few minutes earlier with running PD & VM, when computer not entered full sleep mode after closing lid. Do You want to see them both, PD developers?
  9. DawidM

    DawidM Junior Member

  10. AlexanderA2

    AlexanderA2 Junior Member


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