Parallels Mac OS EL Capitan, Windows 10 very slow Bad performance issue

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by XxUnkn0wnxX, Oct 4, 2015.

  1. EdoardoI

    EdoardoI Junior Member

    The only comforting thing is to know I'm not alone with this problem. I have a bootcamp partition that I run from Parallels. Booting Windows freezes completely the computer for (both mac & windows) for about 15 minutes. After that it works almost ok. When it works... Booting into bootcamp natively works perfectly smooth.
    Also, for the proposed solutions.... there's no nested virtualization for the non PRO editions. Did you maybe leave it on on non PRO edition? Btw, what is this PRO non PRO bull****?.

    This is the time VMWare should offer a "move from Parallels to Fusion" offer...
  2. EdoardoI

    EdoardoI Junior Member

    My report number is 81561115, where should I "reply to"? I already generated and sent reports... nothing happens.
  3. EdoardoI

    EdoardoI Junior Member

    This thread has 3000 views, which means that it is only second to the 20.000 views one about the "Windows 10 Bootcamp VM can't validate!" which is because people doesn't read the manual. I don't see any statement from Parallels whether they're going to do something to fix this issue which is VERY VERY VERY ANNOYING!
    I kindly ask everybody who reads this thread to post a "ME TOO" if they're affected by the same problem. And I also kindly ask Parallels to do something ASAP beacuse I AM PAYING FOR SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T WORK.
  4. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hello, Since we need to investigate deeper, please email us the issue description along with the screenshot to cs(at)parallels(.)com, so we can check it for you.
  5. EdoardoI

    EdoardoI Junior Member

    I solved the problem by downloading the latest Windows 1511 x64 full iso and reinstalling it on the bootcamp partition after formatting it. As a note with build 1511, the bootcamp installer hangs forever trying to install the Realtek Audio driver. The solution is, while the bootcamp installer is still there trying to install, navigate to the bootcamp folder on the install source and manually run the Realtek Audio driver setup and once complete, start the Task Manager, look for the Realtek setup process and kill it. The bootcamp installer will then continue and complete the install. Install the few Windows updates available and reboot in OSX.

    The second step was to remove (and delete) the bootcamp VM from MacOSX, quit Parallels, download PDRemover, remove parallels and restart. Download and install the latest Parallels 11 version and install fresh, then create the bootcamp VM and configure.

    Not sure what caused the issue, if the update of Parallels or the update of Windows 10 to 1511, but at least now it runs smooth.
  6. costabas

    costabas Member

    I was wondering about that as well and whether VMWare Fusion users have the same issues. Since version 11 I experienced bugs in each minor release, not related to performance, I am still using Windows 7 64bit and Yosemite, but related to multiple displays and Parallels not setting properly the resolution in windows when I switch from the Thunderbolt display to the standalone MBP. I contacted support but it has been useless in my case. They seem preoccupied to close the case ASAP and requesting feedback.

    Maybe it is time to switch? Do you know if the VMWare can read the Parallels format ? I am using a single hdd format.
  7. DavidH9

    DavidH9 Junior Member

    I have just noticed a similar issue. I am running Parrallels 11.1.0 (32202) and windows 10 64 bit.
    CPU is running all time at 100% and system very slow as result. have tried restarting several times with no effect. Attaching screenshot of Resource monitor.
    Had a minor problem before that not recognising all keys on apple keyboard correctly. Doubt whether connected but just in case.

    Attached Files:

  8. ThomasB3

    ThomasB3 Bit poster

    I was having issues with Windows 10 being unusably slow on El Capitan and Paralells Desktop 11.
    The steps outlined here solved my issue:
  9. DavidH9

    DavidH9 Junior Member

    Thanks for that. I will look into it. At the moment i found that if i go into windows task manager and end Runtime Broker it helps as a short term fix.
  10. T.J.H

    T.J.H Bit poster

    While it doesn't claim to address our issue here, I can confirm that today's update 11.1.1 (32312) does in fact not help us. Still no love from Parallels.
  11. YangZ1

    YangZ1 Bit poster

    Already confirmed. The extreme slow performance on external device is not fixed yet. Why VMware Fusion does not has the issue while Parallel Desktop cannot even fix the issue ?
  12. AndrewW6

    AndrewW6 Bit poster

    +1 i managed to break my owned parallels 10 putting in a trial of 11 but parallels doesn't have my registration code on file for 10 so I can't go back. spent hours and hours trying to resolve this problem
  13. AlexA2

    AlexA2 Member

    I'm also spiking at 100% CPU on doing anything inside a Windows 10 VM using Parallels 11 running on external Thunderbolt SSD.
  14. Andrei1

    Andrei1 Bit poster

    Facing same issue!!! Terrible performance after upgrading to El Capitan. Any solution to this????
  15. Ram@Parallels

    Ram@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi ThomasB3, we are glad that you could use our knowledge base to resolve the issue. feel free to reach us any time, we are here to help.
  16. Ram@Parallels

    Ram@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi Andrei1, Please follow the steps suggested at to improve virtual machine performance on your Mac.
    If the issue still persisting please provide us the steps to reproduce the issue (1,2,3...). Also, once you reproduce the issue, please provide us a problem report ID here:
  17. Andrei1

    Andrei1 Bit poster

    Quick update. Reinstalling Win 7 from scratch on a VM seemed to resolve the issue. The speed is back to normal.

    >>>>>> Edited: Actually, I'm taking my words back. Performance is still terribly slow now that I have installed additional software.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2015
  18. Ram@Parallels

    Ram@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi Andrei1, Thank you for informing us, feel free to reach us any time, we are here to help.
  19. Andrei1

    Andrei1 Bit poster

    Well, it appears the speed is still slow :( I will keep an eye on this thread for possible solutions. Thanks.
  20. Ram@Parallels

    Ram@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi Andrei1,
    Please perform Windows clean boot .
    Note: While performing Windows clean boot, do not un check "Parallels Tools services"under services & start up application.

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