Parallels Remote Application Server v20 Release Notes
Parallels RAS Core (20 December 2024)
Parallels RAS Core v20.1.0.1-25634
- Fixed: A black screen appeared when users opened an RDP session to a host with Windows Enterprise Edition and RAS Guest Agent installed.
Parallels RAS Core (12 December 2024)
Parallels RAS Core v20.1-25630
- New: Support for Nutanix AOS 6.10.
- Improved: Improved the Enrollment Server logs that appear when a user certificate enrollment fails.
- Improved: Updated the presentation of the information in the "Check for Updates" window.
- Improved: Added support for more than five MFA automations when using Radius.
- Removed: Support for Nutanix AOS 5.15 and 5.20.
- Fixed: Scanner dialog was unresponsive when used in specific applications.
- Fixed: In some situations, VDI hosts in host pools were considered unavailable, which caused users to see the "There are no available resources in the host pool" error when connecting to VDI hosts.
- Fixed: FSLogix on templated RDSH hosts might have used settings from templated VDI hosts default site settings.
- Fixed: Controller crashed when a user launched a published application that had been removed.
- Fixed: Hyper-V template distribution did not create hosts from template replicas.
- Fixed: Administrators were unable to delete RDSH hosts created from a Hyper-V template replica.
- Fixed: The AWS EC2 provider was disconnecting on checking credentials.
RAS REST API (12 December 2024)
RAS REST API v20.1-25630
- Fixed: Setting a Load Balancer SSL gateways on the HALB of secondary Sites failed.
User Portal (Web client) (12 December 2024)
User Portal (Web client)
- New: Added an option to use the available area for an application on a single monitor.
- Fixed: When a Load Balancer was misconfigured or a timeout occurred, all User Portal applications connected to the Secure Gateway were disconnected when a native client was launched.
Parallels Client (Windows) (12 December 2024)
Parallels Client (Windows) v20.1-25633
- Improved: Updated the presentation of the information in the "Check for Updates" window.
- Improved: Added support for more than five MFA automations when using Radius.
- Fixed: Sessions were frequently disconnecting when printer redirection was in use.
- Fixed: Advanced settings for cache printer hardware information did not work when the "Refresh printer hardware information" option was disabled.
- Fixed: Modern Interface did not load immediately when Parallels Client was launched on slower devices for the first time.
- Fixed: A new shared connection was created after opening a session and restarting Parallels Client.
RAS Reporting (12 December 2024)
RAS Reporting v20.1-25630
- Fixed: When upgrading from v19.4 to v20.0, the RAS reporting upgrade could fail.
Parallels RAS Core (25 November 2024)
Parallels RAS Core v20.0.0.1-25392
- Fixed: VM templates sometimes failing to exit maintenance mode after changes were applied.
- Fixed: Synchronizing issue causing VM cloning errors when using VMware vCenter.
Parallels RAS Core (30 October 2024)
Parallels RAS Core v20.0-25389
- New: Ability to publish resources from a local device.
- New: Support for Amazon Web Services (AWS) Availability Zones.
- New: Ability to view the IP addresses of RAS Farms in Parallels My Account.
- New: The column "Secure Gateway" was added to the session overview to show to which RAS Secure Gateway the user was connected last.
- New: Added support for SC//HyperCore 9.4.
- New: Dropped support for SC//HyperCore 9.1.
- New: Added support for the Swiss and Belgian keyboard layouts in the policies.
- New: Updated the minimum supported operating systems. See KB Parallels: Parallels Remote Application Server v20 System Requirements for more details.
- New: Added a context menu to copy the selected session information values.
- Improved: RAS Console was slow on startup when a large number of published applications were configured.
- Improved: Command line arguments of RAS Console to connect or create a new Farm.
- Improved: Added narrator support to the logon hours control for better accessibility.
- Improved: Automatically include all HALB virtual server names and IPs in the list of HTTP hosts that should be allowed by default when HTTP host protection is enabled.
- Improved: Log whenever users are added or removed from groups.
- Improved: Added optional Windows events logging.
- Improved: Show the description of a host and host pool when selecting it.
- Improved: Number of sessions on Secure Gateways visualization is now consistent with other metrics.
- Improved: Enhanced the session startup log entry for easier performance troubleshooting.
- Improved: Always log the session ID cache status when authenticating users.
- Improved: Enhanced HTML output.
- Improved: The synchronizing state of Tenants on the Tenant Broker console.
- Improved: Inform the administrator when the mailbox is not configured in the email OTP properties.
- Improved: Better validation for the source (the host and host pool) when creating or updating publishing objects.
- Improved: Additional Agent state "Host pool joining" added during clone preparation.
- Fixed: The username retrieved during a domain lookup was incorrect.
- Fixed: RAS Console crashed when previewing images within themes if Microsoft Edge is not present.
- Fixed: The "Handler" column on the notifications page was not updated based on the settings in the notification object.
- Fixed: AVD hosts were deleted from Azure but remained in the "Deleting" state.
- Fixed: After changing the credentials to push Agent installation (VDI template), the change was not considered when adding a new template.
- Fixed: The address field in the dialog to add a provider was getting overwritten after applying the advanced settings.
- Fixed: When adding an Email OTP provider with an AD custom attribute as the email address storage, the mandatory "AD Customer Attribute" field was not enabled.
- Fixed: When starting a published application or desktop, Parallels Client didn't wait for a clone to be created and showed an error that it could not find the remote machine.
- Fixed: Switching Farms by using the "Location" dropdown did not change the Farm.
- Fixed: The context menu option to show packages on the hosts was not displayed when MSIX App Attach was enabled.
- Fixed: Provider Agent disconnected from the hypervisor when checking credentials, causing issues when querying the hypervisor.
- Fixed: Deploying FSLogix with VDI host pools caused hosts to reboot every 30 seconds.
- Fixed: VDI hosts were not recreated after logoff, even though the "Host Pool Actions" were set to "Recreate Immediately."
- Fixed: 2XProxyGateway crashed during SAML stress tests.
- Fixed: Users marked as locked in the Active Directory did not get a proper error message when signing in.
- Fixed: Installing RAS to a non-default path caused the secondary Connection Broker to work incorrectly. RDSH hosts were stuck in the "Needs Update" state, and applying changes threw a connection error.
- Fixed: Redundancy crashed when reverting provider update or deleting audit.
- Fixed: Multiple translations for traditional Chinese (CN) were incorrect.
- Fixed: Cloning of hosts failed on Hyper-V after removing the pool.
- Fixed: Changing object names was not always audited.
- Fixed: Changing published objects was not audited.
- Fixed: Unable to simultaneously create multiple hosts from a template when changes were applied manually.
- Fixed: When a license was deactivated, a custom or power administrator could still sign in to RAS Console.
- Fixed: Standalone AWS hosts showed the error "no available resources" after changing its host pool.
- Fixed: Settings audit for the account page did not show all expected actions related to a custom administrator.
- Fixed: A wrong certificate was assigned to the Enrollment Server after every upgrade.
- Fixed: RAS User Portal could be launched for a disabled theme.
- Fixed: The PowerShell API and RAS Console generated different support request archive and system reports.
- Fixed: A wrong link to a KB article about installing RAS on an outdated Windows Server 2012 R2.
- Fixed: When adding a VDI template, after selecting a host and pressing back to choose a different host, the flow and the fields were not updated for the Azure and Hyper-V providers.
- Fixed: When a secondary Connection Broker was down, there was no information about the provider status.
- Fixed: A dialog with the suggestion to update the Agent was shown without the current Agent version.
- Fixed: No helpful errors were logged when the Sysprep clone failed to join the domain.
- Fixed: The Agent was still rebooted when no optimizations were checked.
- Fixed: RAS User Portal did not load after the background image was changed in a Tenant Broker Farm with multiple Tenants.
- Fixed: When a powered-off host was set to be recreated after a version change, it would not be recreated.
- Fixed: Approval was not required when changing the provider resource pool to another with the same name on a VMware provider.
- Fixed: The label to control RemoteFX USB redirection using a policy was cut off.
- Fixed: When navigating RAS Console, duplicate applications appeared and prevented switching between published applications.
- Fixed: The AVD host was marked as unverified after an upgrade.
- Fixed: Default peer heartbeat timeout was too short.
- Fixed: Error messages for listing applications and getting the load balancer info were not localized.
- Fixed: The Agent upgrade audit entry was under the "VDI host" type.
- Fixed: Removing a template from the host pool while cloning could cause issues.
- Fixed: "Check Agent" reported the wrong OS edition on hosts with the Azure edition installed.
- Fixed: Unable to set template in maintenance after deleting a version when the maximum number of versions was reached.
- Fixed: Deleting a host from an autoscaling-enabled RDSH host pool sometimes failed.
- Fixed: Making changes to the connection properties when using web authentication and successfully logging into the client resulted in the user being asked for credentials.
- Security Fix: Grafana updated to v11.2
- Security Fix: Telegraf updated to v1.32.0
- Security Fix: Only open the Let's Encrypt verification port during the verification.
- Security Fix: Additional signing of binaries.
RAS REST API (30 October 2024)
RAS REST API v20.0-25389
- Fixed: License types did not match with RAS Console.
- Fixed: Properties hidden in PowerShell were shown in the REST API.
- Fixed: Updating the Tenant public address using PUT api/Tenant/{id} with an address that is already in use did not throw an error.
- Fixed: Some of the descriptions and errors of the api/Tenant endpoint were incorrectly referencing the Tenant Broker.
- Fixed: The ClientPolicies Controller endpoint had an incorrect output type.
RAS PowerShell (30 October 2024)
RAS PowerShell v20.0-25389
- New: API support was added for configuring local applications.
- New: API support was added to set the default printer.
- New: API support was added for MaxHosts, KeepAvailableBuffer, and HostsToCreate for AVD.
- New: API support was added for Access Addresses within the Site object.
- Fixed: Documentation of FSLogix was incorrect.
- Fixed: When updating a tenant using its name, the updated tenant was not shown when using the Get-RASTenant method, while the RAS Console showed the error "Failed due to insufficient permissions."
- Fixed: API documentation for the parameter "Completein" of the RAS Scheduler was incorrect.
- Fixed: New-RASSchedule asked for -HostAzureID for a standalone VDI vCentre host.
- Fixed: Missing option to configure the Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Client URLs for Client version management.
- Fixed: Descriptions containing incorrect experimental annotation.
- Fixed: Typos in AgentState Enum descriptions.
- Fixed: Properties are not formatted correctly in the documentation.
- Fixed: Fix PowerShell samples with the latest changes.
- Fixed: '-Type SaveToZip' and '-SaveZipToPathSend' of the 'Send-RASSupportRequest' were inconsistent with the RAS Console.
- Fixed: New-RASTheme and Set-RASTheme did not accept SiteId as input.
- Fixed: Some error messages were not localized.
- Fixed: The base class was returned instead of the specific object for some commands.
- Fixed: Default Action and Optimization settings could be applied even when no such setting exists in a host pool.
- Fixed: Updating the Tenant's public address using Set-RASTenant with an already used address did not throw an error.
- Fixed: Some of the descriptions and errors of the New-RASTenant command were incorrectly referencing the Tenant Broker.
- Fixed: The PowerShell command: "Invoke-RASRetrieveAgentLogs" did not allow the logs to be sent in the .zip format or specify a folder path.
- Fixed: The command "Invoke-RASExportCertificate" was not working correctly.
- Fixed: The -BrokerAddress parameter of Set-RASTenantBrokerSettings accepted a string value.
- Fixed: The New-RASTemplate command did not set a default value for VmSize.
Management Portal (30 October 2024)
Management Portal
- Improved: Navigation menu and functionality updated for the User Profile in the RD Session Host wizard.
- Fixed: SPLA licenses were not shown on the Management Portal during activation.
- Fixed: Connection Broker status message in troubleshooting showed the % symbol.
- Fixed: Colon that separates the policy ID and version with the policy name was still shown when the policy name was not allowed to be seen.
- Fixed: "Maximum allowed number of concurrent users" was not displayed in the SPLA limited license information for Power Administrators.
- Fixed: Wrong label name for "Expires in" when generating a self-signed certificate.
- Fixed: Unable to change the hostname of an existing RDSH host.
- Fixed: Exporting a certificate was not working.
- Fixed: The "Session host" property of some user sessions were not filled in.
User Portal (30 October 2024)
User Portal (Web client)
- Improved: Visual improvements to the User Portal launcher.
- Improved: A tab gives a warning when a user is trying to close it without saving changes.
- Fixed: Applications were not shown when the fetching of icons failed.
- Fixed: Users were getting logged out on the second login when using a custom User Portal.
- Fixed: When Multi-Factor Authentication failed for any reason, the user was not redirected back to the custom portal.
- Fixed: Multi-Factor Authentication modal was not shown when launching an application directly through the User Portal API.
- Fixed: Arrow in app launcher breadcrumbs was incorrectly positioned.
- Fixed: Copy-paste between multiple monitors was not working when the detection of the focused window was incorrect.
- Fixed: Password expiry notification was not displayed.
- Fixed: Inability to access Windows Server 2012R2 VDI.
- Fixed: Applications kept opening in the same session even when session sharing was disabled.
- Fixed: When a user cancelled the launching of an application, the application still launched.
- Fixed: Policies were not applied when logging in using the Web Client API.
- Fixed: Opening multiple applications simultaneously could cause an infinite loop of opening applications.
- Fixed: The custom "Work area Text" color was not applied.
- Fixed: Toast notification regarding cookie usage disappeared too fast.
- Security Fix: Updated Content Security Policy (CSP) headers to be more strict.
- Security Fix: Updated third-party libraries.
Parallels Client (Windows) (30 October 2024)
Parallels Client (Windows) v20.0-25389
- Improved: End-user license agreement (EULA) was updated.
- Improved: Connection redirections to the same destination created with policies are now ignored.
- Improved: A new error message when the remote computer is low on memory.
- Fixed: Error "Cannot create web view environment. (0x8007139F)" when trying to reconnect to a disconnected session after the computer went into sleep mode.
- Fixed: Printer redirection did not work for Parallels Client on Windows ARM64.
- Fixed: 2XRemoteExec generated an error when running on a Japanese language-based OS for Windows Server and Client.
- Fixed: French spelling mistake in loading message.
- Fixed: Redirection policy was not applied after the initial connection failed when using WebAuth.
- Fixed: Multiple SMS messages were requested when logging in with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) using DUO and remembering the last used method.
- Fixed: Parallels Client remained in the background after SAML authentication redirection.
- Fixed: Connecting using Microsoft Direct Access VPN took a lot of time.
- Fixed: The uninstaller shortcut appeared pinned or as a new application.
- Fixed: The custom connection banner logo was not being applied.
- Fixed: The SAML connection timing was not correctly calculated.
- Fixed: An incorrect notification was shown when "Force session reset on logoff from Parallels Client" was enabled.
- Fixed: The host was disabled before the reboot schedule started, even when drain mode was disabled.
- Fixed: The provider version showed the maximum supported provider version instead of the real one.
- Fixed: The log level of the Remote PC in RAS Console was not changed to the new value, but it was changed on the Agent.
- Fixed: The "General Connection timeout" for a pool is not respected when the clone creation takes more time.
Parallels Client (Mac) (30 October 2024)
Parallels Client (Mac) v20.0-25389
- New: Ability to launch local applications.
- New: End-user license agreement (EULA) was updated.
- New: Support for macOS 15.
- Improved: Redirection policies that lead to the original host are now ignored.
- Fixed: The Parallels Client for Mac crashed sometimes when using macOS 15.
- Fixed: Keyboard shortcut (Command ⌘ + `) to switch between apps did not work if Caps Lock was enabled.
- Fixed: Added support for more characters in the Belgium keyboard layout.
- Fixed: Connection dropdown only opened after the second click.
- Fixed: Previous connection settings were used when opening a shortcut.
- Fixed: The client's policy import and export settings did not work individually. They are always enabled or disabled together.
- Fixed: URL redirection, specifically for Outlook 365, was not working.
Parallels Client (Linux) (30 October 2024)
Parallels Client (Linux) v20.0-25390
- Improved: RDP redirections to the same destination are now ignored.
- Fixed: When using an internal Public Key Infrastructure, the error "Unable to get local issuer certificate. Code: 20" was shown when connecting to a Farm.
- Fixed: No policy details in the session information overview in RAS Console for Parallels Client for Linux.
- Fixed: The DTLS connection for RAS Gateway connections was not using FIPS.
Parallels Client (iOS) (30 October 2024)
Parallels Client (iOS) v20.0-25401
- New: Ability to launch local applications.
- New: Ability to import the 2xc configuration files with credentials generated from Windows into the iOS Client.
- New: Support for iOS 18.
- Improved: Redirection policies that lead to the original host are now ignored.
- Fixed: Local Folder was unavailable in the remote session when the Allow Redirection policy was enabled.
- Fixed: Signing out of User Portal did not sign out of the native client.
- Fixed: Parallels Client could crash when starting an application after the network connection was reconnected.
- Fixed: Added recovery for RDP licensing errors.
- Fixed: When connecting to a server on the local network, the first connection failed.
- Fixed: In some cases, quick keypad shortcuts did not work.
- Fixed: Searching for a RAS connection did not work.
- Fixed: The status bar overlapped with the navigation bar after a published item window was closed.
- Fixed: The buttons in the toolbar were not highlighted red when clicked, except for the 'Keyboard' button.
- Fixed: The toolbar shrinked when clicking on the "Keyboard" button or other sidebar buttons (except "Zoom" and "x").
Parallels Client (Android) (30 October 2024)
Parallels Client (Android) v20.0-25409
- Improved: Redirection policies that lead to the original host are now ignored.
- Fixed: On touch and hold, the progress indicator on the magnifier was not visible.
- Fixed: A touch event was not triggering on a specific area when an application was not using the entire work area.
- Fixed: Added recovery for RDP licensing errors.
- Fixed: One-time password (OTP) characters were displayed in plain text.
- Fixed: Improved switching between different remote sessions.
RAS Reporting (30 October 2024)
RAS Reporting v20.0-25338
- Improved: Actual host pool usages added to the heat map report.
RAS Performance Monitor (30 October 2024)
RAS Performance Monitor v20.0-25321
- Security Fix: Grafana was updated to v11.2.
- Security Fix: Telegraf was updated to v1.32.0.
HALB (30 October 2024)
HALB v20.0-25389
- Improved: General updates and improvements.
Known issues
To access information on known issues and their resolutions, please refer to the article: Parallels Remote Application Server v20 Known Issues
For any assistance or direct support inquiries, please reach out to our support team by visiting Support | Parallels RAS
Last edited: Dec 20, 2024