Parallels Toolbox Invalid Key after upgrade to Desktop 13

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox for Mac' started by DavidW23, Aug 22, 2017.

  1. DavidW23

    DavidW23 Bit poster

    I upgraded from Parallels Desktop 12 to Desktop Pro 13 today. Following installation of the new version of Parallels Toolbox, Toolbox reports that I have an invalid key for this version, and that I should downgrade.
    Any suggestions?
  2. RobertW18

    RobertW18 Bit poster

    I have a similar problem, except I did not request/approve an upgrade. The upgrade was self initialized. On completion I no longer have valid license. I was also provided an URL to a no longer valid page in order to downgrade. How to downgrade? And how to avoid this problem again after downgrade?
  3. RaymondC2

    RaymondC2 Bit poster

    It never asked and upgraded itself then said invalid Key!!!!

    How do we downgrade this
  4. CatherineK1

    CatherineK1 Bit poster

    Same problem - please help!
  5. PaulB1

    PaulB1 Member

    Same thing happened to me, I didn't choose to update anything. I just turned my computer on this evening and immediately got a notification that "Your license key is invalid for this version of Parallels Toolbox." Clicking on the Downgrade button opens this link which says "This page may have moved or is no longer available."

    Parallels Toolbox Error.jpg
  6. NickM3

    NickM3 Bit poster

    Exactly the same!
    Didn't want the upgrade.
    Won't be paying an annual subscription for something I hardly ever use.
    Very dubious marketing policy in my mind - they will be blocking your computer next and demanding Bitcoins to release it!

    I note that no-one from Parallels has bothered posting a fix yet - probably seeing how many suckers sign up to the annual fee!
  7. BigGJS

    BigGJS Member

    Odd, I have P11 and the toolbox upgraded yesterday with no issues. I am contemplating upgrading to 13 but after having to downgrade from 12-11 due to the full screen issues I am a little dubious of running the upgrade. I have the Pro Edition.
  8. PaulB1

    PaulB1 Member

    It does appear to be an actual business practice. I have a 2006 Mac Pro which was running Parallels 9 flawlessly, and that was great because the computer is going out of date but is still great because it's so powerful and has a lot of expensive hardware upgrades like RAM and lots of drives.

    Well, I tried installing the update to Parallels 10 when it came out, and not only did the installer NOT check to see if the new version would run on the hardware before installing, there was absolutely no way to roll back the installation, run Parallels 9 because it was deleted via the installer, AND Parallels doesn't make previous versions available for download. Customer support apologized for the inconvenience and that was the end of their support. Now I have a $6,000 brick that otherwise would have given me many more years of excellent service.

    Lots of software companies keep previous versions available for customers who need them, and I have never seen any whose installer programs don't check first to see if what they are about to install will work on the system BEFORE installing AND deleting the previous version.

    In my opinion, this is an intentional business practice of Parallels' and is horribly inconsiderate. Especially since this software is doing updates autonomously and intentionally keeping people from choosing to turn off the automatic nature of updates.

    It appears that they really embrace the benefits of having a software model that is purely subscription based while marketing it as a product that once you buy it it will just keep working indefinitely as-is if you would prefer that.

    I don't see anything in their marketing where they say "This software you paid for will eventually stop working when a new version comes out, either because you chose to upgrade without making sure it will install on your older hardware, OR because we decided to just make the updating process fully automatic."
  9. PaulB1

    PaulB1 Member

    Great, give them the idea of ransom. They don't want ransom yet, they just don't care if the older version doesn't work for customers anymore. Actually, I would pay another $100 to get Parallels 9 working on my old Mac Pro again. I wouldn't be happy about having to do so, but even that isn't an option.
  10. Alex Patsay

    Alex Patsay Parallels Team

    There appears to be a bug in Toolbox 2.0 that caused this issue for some of the users, but I can reassure you it's not an intended behavior. The team is currently investigating the problem and we will provide solution as soon as we have one. We apologize for this inconvenience.

    We would also request your help in resolving this issue. If you are experiencing activation problem after updating to Toolbox 2.0, please submit a technical report from within Parallels Toolbox, by going to "gear" icon->Help-> Send Technical Data. Share your Problem Report ID here. Thank you for your help and understanding.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2017
  11. CatherineK1

    CatherineK1 Bit poster

    I had this problem on one Mac, not the other. Fixed the one by clicking on the link to enter another registration key, and entering my same registration key. Problem solved, now it works.
  12. RobertW18

    RobertW18 Bit poster

    Hi Everyone,
    Re-entering the registration key did reactivate the toolbox. It failed to do so yesterday when I tried. However....
    If it does not work for you, try opening Parallels first. Parallels may ask you to re-register your existing activation key.
    I am guessing here but... it seems Parallels itself had to re-register my license key - before the new toolbox would accept it (and that can only happen if you open Parallels >before< opening the toolbox, (which I had not done yesterday).
    In summary - step 1 open Parallels - it should trigger a re-registration event, then step 2 open toolbox and enter your existing key. (twice you will enter your key)
  13. Alex Patsay

    Alex Patsay Parallels Team

    We have released an update - Toolbox 2.0.1 - that resolves this issue for those users who experience it. After update you may need to re-launch Toolbox for it to pick up the license information.

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