Parallels Tools for Gentoo Linux

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by AndreaN1, Jan 14, 2018.

  1. AndreaN1

    AndreaN1 Bit poster


    I'm having a lot of troubles trying to install parallels tools for Gentoo Linux.
    Being a source distribution and a simple target, considering that is one of the most used distribution for developing, I'd like to have a big support on that.
    Considering also that supporting this kind of distribution will also open the way to a big number of distributions derived from Gentoo it will be the perfect choice.

    Many thanks in advance
    Kind regards
    MatthewR20 likes this.
  2. BallO

    BallO Hunter

    I'm also keen to get gentoo running. I tried a couple years ago to no avail, but I was also trying to run the hardened kernel.

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