I recently upgraded to the latest build. Now every time I start my guest OS (Vista), Parallels Tools installs. ALl is fine until the next time I boot the guest OS... then it reinstakls. It just keeps reininstalling after every fresh boot. What can I do?
Hiya! Please go to Parallels menu, choose Devices, select CD/DVD rom and click Disconnect the image, or click Default CD/DVD. Parallels CD with Tools will be disconnected, Best regards, John
Therein lies the problem. I have the same issue with both my Vista and XP VM's. It does not matter if you have disconnected the image or even have use CD/DVD ROM drive in your configuration editor. I've watched the whole bootup process and it stays on the CD/DVD drive setting right up to the point where the icons display on the Windows desktop. Then it inexplicably switches to connect to vmtools.iso and the Parallels Tools begins loading. I have yet to find a fix but it is driving me *crazy*. Any thoughts?