ParallelsDesktop 7 for Mac Build 15054 is available!

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by alev, Dec 26, 2011.

  1. alev

    alev Parallels Team

    Dear Users,

    This update for Parallels Desktop for Mac (build 7.0.15054) includes the following fixes and improvements:

    Improved support for Fedora 15 virtual machines.
    Improved network support for Ubuntu 12.04 Alpha virtual machines.

    Updates for Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac are available via:

    - Parallels Desktop in-product updater
    - Parallels Desktop download page -
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2012
  2. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    I would like that Parallels Tools would only be updated when there's an actual change to them, and not always when there is an update like this. One that has nothing to do with Parallels Tools for Windows but requires me to update all Windows VMs when I run them.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2011
  3. JunwenH

    JunwenH Bit poster



    CÃœNEYTO Member

  5. Bit poster


    On Windows XP, Parallels Tools was at 40% for about 20 minutes. On Windows 7, it was quicker.

    I'd also like an option that Parallels Tools doesn't automatically install, but waits for me to give it the go ahead. I have loads of apps that start when Windows starts and I like to close them all before Installing Parallels Tools. I also like to disable my antivirus program when installing Parallels Tools.
  6. JEarles

    JEarles Hunter

    I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who experiences painfully slow updates on XP. I don't really mind updating my VMs to the latest Parallels Tools, if it can be done quickly. My Linux VMs update very quickly, Windows 7 takes a bit longer, and XP is very slow. The XP speed surprises me as (for the most part) the performance of of my XP VM is good. I have no idea what the update is doing during all that time as my system doesn't exhibit any resource constraints and the CPU isn't pegged.
  7. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    I'm not experiencing that slowness when upgrading XP VMs, there's some conflict going on there.
  8. TálosG

    TálosG Bit poster

    old Mac, need an older version

    Hi There!

    Is there any way I could use Parellel on my old Mac?
    I will not upgrade my old computer to Lion, so I need a Parellel link and version which could run on OS 10.4
    Many thanks!
  9. mohdf

    mohdf Member

    i just updated my ubuntu 12.04 xserver to 1.11.3-0ubuntu8 ... now i can't login to my ubuntu desktop ... can someone verify this ?

    *p/s: back in action after reset the xserver by doing : sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

    updated: if im uninstall parallels tools, mouse working but if i reinstall parallels tools, mouse doesn't working.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2012
  10. Joecarrtexas

    Joecarrtexas Bit poster

    I have a simple question. If I update my Parallels Desktop for Mac from version 7.0.15052 to 7.0.15054, will I have to reinstall all the Windows OS, Msft Office and Quicken that are on my current version? I do not want to do an update if it is a major effort where I have to re-install all the OSs and/or apps running on Parallels.
  11. JEarles

    JEarles Hunter

    No. Your VMs will upgrade seamlessly, but you will have to re-install Parallels Tools on your VMs when you start them next.
  12. Joecarrtexas

    Joecarrtexas Bit poster


    Hi JEarl - Thanks vey much for your comment. I know it may seem obvious that one would not have to reinstall Windows or apps with a Parallels update, but I think they should explicitly state how easy it is to install the update. When I tried a similar update with VMware Fusion on my work Mac, it was not so easy and not everything would work after the update. Our company even warned against doing the VMware update. So I was being cautious with the Parallels update. Thanks for your fast reply to my post.

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