Password of Windows-User

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by DanielW15, Aug 14, 2020.

  1. DanielW15

    DanielW15 Bit poster

    On the windows-machine I do have a software with an API. The authentication method of the API is via the windows-authentication.
    Then I try to access the API via Google Chrome (http://localhost:58454/...) I get the expected results. A XML-File with the data stored in the database of the software.
    However, my goal is to access the API via Python http.client / urllib.request. When I try to access the API via Python I get a 401-error: Untauthorized. The same is when I try to access the API via Microsoft Edge. The browser is asking me a username and password.

    I don't know why Google Chrome don't ask for a username and password. However, the main question is: What is the username and password for the windows-machine? It's actually not the username and password for the Mac. I already tried this.
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, could you take a screenshot of the logging window and share it with us please?
  3. DanielW15

    DanielW15 Bit poster

    Of course. See the following screenshot.

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