Paste Special (Ctrl + Alt + V) makes the square root sign (√)

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by CaileyR, May 14, 2018.

  1. CaileyR

    CaileyR Bit poster

    I am running fully updated versions of Parallels 12 and Windows 10 on Mac OS High Sierra (10.13.4).

    In Excel 2016, I am running into an issue where the Paste Special command (Ctrl + Alt + V) creates the square root symbol (√) instead of launching the paste special dialogue box.

    I have tried updating my Mac shortcut preferences, creating shortcuts in Parallels, etc. Nothing works.

    Does anyone have a way to make this happen? I would be so grateful! It's one of the main commands that I use in Excel, and I'll have to switch from Parallels to a different software if I can't figure this one on out.

    (Note: I know that I can use Alt + E + S) but it's not in my muscle memory and doesn't work in Mac Excel, and I like to standardize shortcuts across the two platforms as best I can.)
    CesarO and FelipeG4 like this.
  2. MrBurbles

    MrBurbles Bit poster

    I am having this exact same issue, and the Alt, E, S "shortcut" doesn't work for me either. I wonder if OP found a solution in the Mac-VM translation or another thread? Thanks!
  3. CaileyR

    CaileyR Bit poster

    Hi @MrBurbles , unfortunately not -- this is still something I struggle with. Current I just use Mac Excel as much as possible and switch to VM-excel only when really necessary.
  4. Hi CaileyR. Please refer this article and set the send OS X system shortcuts to 'Always'. Then restart the virtual machine and check if it works fine.
  5. TomaszT2

    TomaszT2 Bit poster

    Hi Sathiya@Parallels. I did it all what was in this instruction, and I still have problem with Ctrl + Alt + V wits creates √ symbol. Can somebody help me with this issue? I'ts really uncomfortable when i'am using Excel.
    LaurenceF likes this.
  6. KebhaK@Parallels

    KebhaK@Parallels Hunter

    HI @TomaszT2 , Please follow steps in this article and let us know if it works.
  7. TomaszT2

    TomaszT2 Bit poster

    Hi KebhaK@Parallels. I did it all what was in this article, and I still have this problem.
    My configuration: Parallels Desktop Pro ver 14.1.0 (45387) + Windows 10 PRO PL (with all current updates), Microsoft Office Business 365 Excel (with all current updates).
  8. KebhaK@Parallels

    KebhaK@Parallels Hunter

    Please try reinstalling Microsoft Excel. If the issue persists please follow steps in this article and share us the technical report ID for investigating the issue further.
  9. Maxim Uvarov

    Maxim Uvarov Junior Member

    I faced the same problem. What I found that it "alt" in mac modifies the the letter to international symbols, so alt + v = √, alt + c = ç. I haven't found how to fix it:(
    LaurenceF likes this.
  10. CesarO

    CesarO Bit poster

    I am facing this issue as well. Is there a fix? thanks!
    LaurenceF likes this.
  11. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, did you try the solution above?
  12. Maxim Uvarov

    Maxim Uvarov Junior Member

    I have not found the solution. For excel I use as a replacement I use shortcuts like Alt+H V V
  13. Maxim Uvarov

    Maxim Uvarov Junior Member

    And don't listen to support. I killed 2 hours talking to them and giving them Remote support with no success.
  14. CesarO

    CesarO Bit poster

    Yes Maria, I have tried. But that is not a "solution" for this issue. It does not work for anyone. So please, whenever there is a real solution, share it!
    JoachimV and LaurenceF like this.
  15. MrBurbles

    MrBurbles Bit poster

    Hi everyone, I'm sorry, I don't believe I came up with a fix. As I recall, there was an update to the Office suite for the Mac around this time and I switched to the native applications, turning only to the VM version of Excel when certain dashboards wouldn't behave or display properly (rare), sporadic launching of Access launching, etc. Wish I had a better story!
    Maxim Uvarov likes this.
  16. CesarO

    CesarO Bit poster

    There needs to be a fix, obviously an alternative is Alt+H+V+S but its not nearly as convenient as Ctrl+Alt+V. I have tried al the above and nothing works. Is there a way to send this to support so they look for a fix? Thanks!
  17. Maxim Uvarov

    Maxim Uvarov Junior Member

    For those who curious why this happens:
    try to use shortcut anywhere in mac ALT + V shortcut. In my case it pastes √
    So this is what happens in windows. Somehow parallels makes mac ignore pressed ctrl, which otherwise should block √ symbol pasting. And thats why in Windows machine we have √ instead of shortcut press.
    Maria@Parallels likes this.
  18. CesarO

    CesarO Bit poster

    Will someone from the @ParallelsTeam please acknowledge this issue and look for a fix? It really is a BIG ISSUE for some of us using Excel.
    LaurenceF likes this.
  19. LaurenceF

    LaurenceF Bit poster

    Exact same issue for me. Hope that Parallels will fix this and update us soon. It is indeed a big problem.
  20. TabithaR

    TabithaR Bit poster

    Same issue.

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