Patch CPU ID in Parallels?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by wvdheiden, Feb 5, 2009.

  1. wvdheiden

    wvdheiden Junior Member


    We use Macs with Windows XP in parallels VM's to develop software. We have about 20 diferent VM's with different compilers (embedded) so that we do not need to install all stuff on one machine (imposible) or have 20 windows machines (not very handy also) Most of these products use license mechanisms based on machine Id's calculated in some secret manner.
    The problem is that we do not all have the same Macs. We have MacBooks, MacBook Pro's and from several series. No we noticed that when we use a VM on a different MAC that the Machine ID is different. Questioning around we discovered that the only difference is in fact some CPU-ID. We have CoreDuo's and Core2Duo's and with different clock frequencies and apparently also with different CPU steppings.
    Is there a way in Parallels to overcome that problem? i.e. patch teh CPU-ID or so?

    thanks in advance


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