[patch] Support for kernel 5.18 (Parallel Tools

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by (GalaxyMaster), Jun 2, 2022.

  1. (GalaxyMaster)

    (GalaxyMaster) Hunter

    I am late to the party (did not have time to update my kernel in time), so the attached patch was not created by me, but by somebody else. Thanks goes to @MichelH3 for providing a link. The patch was reviewed, reworked to have conditionals on the kernel version, it applies cleanly to the latest Parallels Tools (at the time of the writing)., and works on my Intel-based VM fine (there are also reports that the patch works for ARM-based version too).

    The original patch can be found at https://github.com/wegank/nixos-con...56e/hardware/parallels-unfree/prl-tools.patch (it's a direct patch with no conditionals around kernel versions).

    Attached Files:

    cyb3rw0lf likes this.
  2. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Interesting. So you're not running into the problem with it barfing on eth_change_mtu in prl_eth/pvmnet/pvmnet.c ~line 419?
  3. (GalaxyMaster)

    (GalaxyMaster) Hunter

    No, I am not.
  4. (GalaxyMaster)

    (GalaxyMaster) Hunter

    It's amazing, the forum is blocking me from posting a normal message where I wanted to share the config of my system. Well, I guess you have to trust me that prl_eth has been compiled and loaded. :)
  5. (GalaxyMaster)

    (GalaxyMaster) Hunter

    @Mark Fine , the line you are referrinng to is inside the RHEL_RELEASE_CODE conditional, I don't have that defined (I am running on Arch), so it is something to do with RHEL modifications to the kernel. The specific error you are getting may help with searching for the fix.
  6. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Oh, I've already fixed it by conditional omission. It was in my amended patch for 17.1.2, and still hasn't been fixed in 17.1.4 so I had to re-edit the code.
    So, it's not just an Intel-based thing, it's also specific to RH? I'm still on FC35 and haven't upgraded to FC36 yet. This is getting more and more curious.
  7. (GalaxyMaster)

    (GalaxyMaster) Hunter

    Yeah, it is specific to RHEL based kernels it seems. I will search for your amended patch and will include the fix in the future. Obviously, I won't be able to test it since I do not run RHEL kernels.
  8. (GalaxyMaster)

    (GalaxyMaster) Hunter

    Here is the version of the above patch with @Mark Fine 's fix for RHEL-based kernels included.

    Attached Files:

    alvin_d and Mark Fine like this.
  9. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

  10. Asish

    Asish Staff Member

    Hello Guys, We have released the Parallels Desktop's latest build 17.1.4 so we would suggest you upgrade it to the latest build and check.
  11. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Huh? Did you not see that the above patch was to be applied TO 17.1.4... TO FIX IT? So, the answer is no, not for this, nor for the other things that you told people: The mouse is still wonky, USB support is still random, and it still causes Time Machine to go into a perpetual "Preparing backup...".

    How about you guys find out what the updates are supposed to fix (other than nebulous 'stability' and 'other improvement' statements that mean absolutely nothing to nobody) and read the threads you're responding to before you suggest we see if it works, because in this case we clearly already did. Otherwise, you're just throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing if it sticks with comments like this. That's not what a support staff are supposed to do.
  12. (GalaxyMaster)

    (GalaxyMaster) Hunter

    Updated the patch according to the input from @DariusS1 (he added a fix for RHEL9 and spotted that the original patch had a duplicate section for the symlinked directory). @Mark Fine , if you have a chance to confirm that the change is working on your system it will be much appreciated. :)

    Attached Files:

  13. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    I'm still on FC35 (kernel 5.17.12 as of yesterday), but I'm sure it's fine (no self-pun intended).
  14. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    FC35 just updated to kernel 5.18.4 and am happy to say the update from 5.17.14 was completely seamless with the patch installed.
    Cheers, @(GalaxyMaster).

    Eventually going to look at why the install script fails to remove the prl_vid reference from the parallels-tools dracut configuration file, which is so flipping annoying. #sloppy
  15. MaxA4

    MaxA4 Bit poster

    I wanted to thank Mark Fine and everyone who contributed to this patch and solution. Amazing effort gentlemen!! Definitely learned a thing or two along the way;) Agree this is unacceptable conduct from Parallels. I can confirm the original patch (linked provided in the top of this post from Galaxy Master) works great on an M1, kali 5.18.0
  16. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Appreciate the shout-out but @(GalaxyMaster) deserves most if not all of the praise. He has taken the mantle of tracking down every issue. I merely fill in some of the more esoteric gaps and provide advice of more of a procedural nature.
  17. MaxA4

    MaxA4 Bit poster

    Mad respect to @(GalaxyMaster) too! It's comforting to know I'm not alone in this: a small army of big brained pro's are busy making this world a better place. I've been using Parallels on M1 to run primarily Kali and a little Windows since it's Beta-Testing period and converted to a stand-a-lone version after it was over. As if the subscription fee wasn't enough revenue, the $20 additional Tools subscription fee is cleverly designed to contain the bidirectional copy-paste functionality that most would agree is a basic tool no one could live without. Adding insult to injury comes with all this expense only to find a broken update and no support. Again, many thanks to you guys!!! Beers and pizza for everyone!
    Mark Fine likes this.
  18. BrendenM

    BrendenM Bit poster

    Removed the prl_eth section from the patch file and this applied perfectly to 5.18-kali4 in a kali arm64 machine on a M1. So far everything seems to be working now. Thanks @(GalaxyMaster)
  19. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    The prl_eth part turned out to be only redhat/fedora related. There was a followup patch file that changed the conditional directives accordingly. Removing it is fine for Kali. Just know that it won't work for RHEL/Fedora releases.
  20. JP_7

    JP_7 Bit poster

    Hello anyone can help me in how to apply the patch to 5.18-kali4 in a kali arm64 machine on a M1 ? Support just ask me to install an old Kali 2021 version if I want to install Parallels Tools which is a completely unacceptable answer from a company like this. I have tried myself to apply the patch but I am lost in the process. Thanks
    ParallelsU975 likes this.

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