PD12 Pro - Website development in Visual Studio

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by AnthonyB2, Oct 10, 2016.

  1. AnthonyB2

    AnthonyB2 Member

    Since upgrading to Parallels Desktop 12 I've had some troubles with using Visual Studio.

    Specifically while running a website project in IIS Express it is unable to detect changes to files as I make them. This worked absolutely fine in previous versions of Parallels Desktop.

    The fix is to make changes to a file multiple times (and save it each time), or stop and restart IIS Express.

    The project is stored on the \\mac\Home file share. The same issue happens regardless of whether I open the project via \\mac\Home or Z:\.

    I know that C# / .Net uses file system watchers to detect changes to files, and I wonder if these watchers have reached a limit and can't continue watching files for changes. I remember with a previous version of Parallels Desktop there was a similar issue for a short while where Visual Studio while loading a big solution would trigger a limit and take the whole \\mac\Home share offline.

    Can anyone shed any light on the issue?
    TS-Micah likes this.
  2. MarkB12

    MarkB12 Bit poster

    No fix but just wanted to say I experience the very same issue after update to 12.

    Has this been resolved?
  3. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi Guys, we are aware of this issue and working on the resolution.
    AnthonyB2 likes this.
  4. TS-Micah

    TS-Micah Product Expert

    I've noticed this myself and I have had to make several touches or edits on a .cshtml view file for the change to be detected. In addition, sometimes I have to modify the web.config file by adding a space, saving, removing the space, saving after a rebuild etc.

    I wasn't sure if it was related to .Net or PD, but I've been dealing with this for approximately a year now...

    In regard to ASP.Net 4.5 I thought it may have been related to fcnMode, more info in the links below:
  5. AnthonyB2

    AnthonyB2 Member

    Great! Glad to hear it Paul and thanks for the update. Looking forward to the resolution being implemented.
  6. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi @AnthonyB2 , we will let you know once we get the update on this.
  7. JorinS

    JorinS Bit poster

    Whole team is having issues with this since upgrading to PD12. I just upgraded to PD13 today and did some quick tests and it looks like I'm still having problems (I tried the fcnMode setting too, FWIW with no success). Any status update on this?? Or at least a workaround or some information as to what causes it so maybe we can find our own workaround? This is literally crippling our development team and I've been googling for several days now before finally stumbling upon this. I've been using Parallels since version 8 to do development with Visual Studio in this same configuration and now I'm seriously having to consider alternatives. @Arun@Parallels
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2017
  8. AnthonyB2

    AnthonyB2 Member

    Hi Jorin, I haven't got much to add other than, like you, I still have the same issue as I originally described. This is even with PD13 and the 'Pro' edition at that.

    It does make me wonder why I'm paying for the Pro version, when versions <12 of PD was actually better for professional use.....
  9. JorinS

    JorinS Bit poster

    Exactly. I think I'm going to try to downgrade to PD11 today :(
  10. JorinS

    JorinS Bit poster

    FWIW PD11 has the issue too. I'm back and PD10 and it seems to be working. That's what I used most of the time before going to PD12, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  11. AnthonyB2

    AnthonyB2 Member

    As an update this is still happening here.
  12. JorinS

    JorinS Bit poster

    Yeah. For what its worth, it definitely works in PD10, but there are other issues. Occasionally with PD10 my MBP fan will kick on and before I know it its eaten up all the free space on my MBP with logs and I have to restart and run CleanMyMac. I remember it was doing this and that was why I updated to 12 in the first place. But, if I just remember to close down PD10 when I'm not using it (at the end of the day) all is usually OK and the big benefit is I can use VS again, which is what I do 8 hours a day...

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