PD7 problems on Windows 7

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by LeoW, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. LeoW

    LeoW Junior Member

    They were not problems on PD6, but new to PD7.

    1. In full screen mode, when I move the mouse cursor to the top of screen, Lion's menu is shown. I know it is Lion's behavior, but sometimes it's really annoying when I just want to move the mouse to the title bar of a maximized window and double click to restore it to normal size.

    2. Sometimes the mouse cursor shape is changed to "Mac look (the black arrow)" instead the Windows ones.

    3. I was able to use Cmd+H to hide the guest Windows desktop, but I cannot now.

    BTW: PD7 *IS* faster than PD6!!!!!!

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