Performance numbers
I am very interested in knowing the performance statistics between the difference of running XP running as a virtual machine in Parallels 5 vs. XP running as a virtual machine (in Parallels 5) based on a Boot camp partition. Can you also discuss whether upgrading to Windows 7 and/or Parallels 6 has made any improvements. My main reason for asking this question is that I run a very memory intensive 3D modeling package sold by Autodesk named Revit Architecture. It is a memory and processor hog. The recommended system requirements are Windows 7 64-bit with 8 GB RAM but the required system requirements are Windows OS with min. of 3 GB. Currently I am running XP with 4 GB on my MBP. The files we deal with can be anywhere in size from 25 MB to 125 MB and we do a lot of rendering. Running Windows in Bootcamp is suppose to give the best performance but I would prefer to run using Parallels. It was suggested by Apple to create the VM partition of Bootcamp so that I only needed to have 1 install of windows and Revit to maintain, which I like very much. Revit has a lot of 3rd party apps and patches that I would like to be able to install once. I have been searching for an answer on specific numbers but can't find. I understand some of the advantages but don't think that those are critical to running Revit. I want speed and performance.
Are there tools I can use to measure the results other then a stop watch?
Also, one last question about the video card, does parallels allow you to assign a different video card instead of the Parallels Video Adapter? I am getting some odd display issues with materials.
Last edited: Sep 21, 2010