Thread was moved from "General Discussions > User Solutions and Workarounds" to "Parallels Desktop for Mac > Windows Guest OS Discussion".
Stacey M
Let me allow to thank the Parallels team first, to give "the rest of us" such a promising solution to work with WIN, after all this years of nightmare with VPC.
My questions is:
I am just using Parallels to see how websites I have designed, are looking in certain WIN browsers. I have enabled Personal Websharing on my MacBook and transfered the site to the designated folder (Library->Web Server->Documents). If I am trying to get to the site from within the VM, using XP, I get a connection timeout. With Safari it is working fine. Okay I dont have any idea about WIN, after nearly 20 years with Macs, so there could be some settings I have to take care of etc. But the strange thing is, that it was working fine before I have installed my website there, with the preinstalled Apache index.html.
Any idea what I can do?
Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2007