I have a clean Windows XP installation on my Parallels done by the folks where I bought my iMac. I want to migrate only certain programs and files from my current PC. I need to continue using this PC at another location - hence the clean XP installation on the iMac. I have two questions: 1. I am assuming transporter "moves" the files as opposed to copying them. Is this correct? 2. Whether moving or copying - I don't see anything in the documentation or forum about selecting anything more granular that a volume. I only want to move/copy certain items. Is there anyway to do this with Transporter or am I forced to reinstall them program by program and move any data files manually also. Thanks for any help.
You can use User State Migration in Windows XP to migrate data http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/setup/expert/crawford_november12.mspx But you cannot migrate separate software For now Parallels Transporter allows to migrate either the full PC, or separate disks