Pixelated (sharp) view

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by EdgarW3, Sep 23, 2020.

  1. EdgarW3

    EdgarW3 Bit poster

    I'm stuck with Parallels 12 for the main part of my work. Starting with parallels 13 I can't see sharp pixels on Windows 7 any longer. Everything is smooth/blurry.
    I need to be able to see sharp pixels on Retina display with 200% Scaling. Also on a external screen with low resolution, the pixels are no longer sharp.

    The Scaled option should have a "sharp" option that shows sharp pixels like on older versions of Parallels.

    I'm working in TrueType hinting and screen-optimization of icons. Seeing realistic rendering is crucial to be able to do my work. Being stuck with parallels 12, means I'm not able to run other testing environments like recent versions of Linux or Windows for other purposes.

    Since there is no way to run two versions of Parallels next to each other, I have to juggle with external backups and installations. Which is pretty impractical.
  2. alev

    alev Parallels Team

    Hi Edgar,

    Please try these commands in terminal:
    defaults write "com.parallels.Parallels Desktop.plist" "Application preferences.ConsoleOsScaling" -bool YES
    defaults write "com.parallels.Parallels Desktop.plist" "Application preferences.CoherenceOsScaling" -bool YES

    the restart Parallels Desktop and let me know if it helped.
  3. EdgarW3

    EdgarW3 Bit poster

    Dear ales,
    Thanks for your fast response, I ran the two commands, but unfortunately the pixels are still blurry.
    I'm running Parallels 16.0.1 on MacOSX 10.13.6 HighSierra. I'd like Windows 7 to be 200% with sharp pixels.

    Attached Files:

  4. alev

    alev Parallels Team

    Hi Edgar,

    Add the following into the Boot flags (VM Configuration > Hardware > Boot Order, under Advanced Settings)
    EdgarW3 likes this.
  5. EdgarW3

    EdgarW3 Bit poster

    Thank you so much ☺️

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