Possible to install fedora 15?

Discussion in 'Linux Guest OS Discussion' started by inkhaton, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. inkhaton

    inkhaton Bit poster

    I was reading the documentation and It said only fedora 11 is supported. I downloaded fedora 15 64 bit and it didn't even start up. (I have a 64 bit machine)

    Is it a waste of time to try or is it possible to go beyond the version that it lists?

    Any help is appreciated. Also - it seems like people are using ubuntu past the 9.0 supported version so I have hope.
  2. twodogron

    twodogron Junior Member

    Fedora 15 Installed OK but Parallels Tools out of Date

    Unlike inkhaton, I successfully downloaded and created a VM of Fedora 15..

    I can run Fedora OK but in the bottom bar of the VM I'm told to "update Parallels Tools".

    I select "Update Parallels Tools" from the VM menu, I then get a small drop down screen telling me I am going to update Tools.. I press OK but then NOTHING happens........
    I've read that the Parallels Tools Icon should now appear on the Desktop.... but nothing appears..

    Can anyone help me with this..??
    My Windows 7 VM runs without problems........

    iMac Core i5, Mac Lion, Win 7, Parallels 7
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2011
  3. JEarles

    JEarles Hunter


    After selecting "Update Parallels Tools" and pressing OK, try this:

    1) Open a terminal window
    2) cd /media/Parallels\ Tools/
    3) sudo ./install
  4. twodogron

    twodogron Junior Member

    Mouse locked inside the VM

    Once Fedora VM is Launch and Logged In I cannot get the mouse "outside" of the VM to select the VM Menu "Update Parallels Tools".......
    Have tried all of the "key" escape combinations....... nothing releases the pointer from the VM.....
  5. JEarles

    JEarles Hunter


    Are you able to configure the CD-ROM drive to connect to 'prl-tools-lin.iso' before starting the VM? In Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac I can do this on the Hardware tab. Then the CD-ROM is already mounted when I start the VM.

    Attached Files:

  6. twodogron

    twodogron Junior Member

    I did "configure" the CD Drive as you described but still no success......
    My problem is that the "Ctrl + Alt" keystroke will not release the mouse from the VM..... I cannot get back to the Parallels Desktop once I start Fedora 15....... I've tried all key combinations........

    It used to work when I first started using the VM but for some obscure reason has now stopped and refuses to release the mouse......

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