Preferences: Disable Shortcuts/Linux mapping Option< to Alt+7

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by JaniP, May 26, 2020.

  1. JaniP

    JaniP Junior Member

    I have been really annoyed by the default Linux profile for keyboard shortcuts, that says it would send Option< as Alt+7 to Linux. The actual effect is that just pressing Option sends Alt+7 to the Linux! This is causing all kinds of shortcuts trigger, depending on application being used, usually a tab switch (I'm using Ubuntu).

    It took me quite some time to find what is causing this strange behaviour. It would be nice if this setting was not on by default, I guess I'm not the only one puzzled with this.

    I included capture of the setting that I disabled to get rid of the behaviour.

    Attached Files:

  2. alev

    alev Parallels Team

    Hi JaniP, thank you for the feedback.

    As far as I can see it is not a default shortcut.
    If you click "Restore Defaults", it should not be present.
  3. JaniP

    JaniP Junior Member

    thanks. it's not there anymore.
    still, it seems impossible to remove profiles, see screenshot.. the remove button does not remove the profile.

    Attached Files:

  4. alev

    alev Parallels Team

    Hi JaniP,

    Thank you for reporting this. This inability to remove a keyboard profile is a bug indeed, I will make sure that it is on engineers' radar.

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