Hi everybody, I'm new to this forum as I am using Parallels 15 only for one month now. I'm not a total noob to IT things, though. One problem I can not solve, and could not find anything about in the forum is the memory management in MS-DOS. For a specific program I need EMS memory (not XMS). I was configuring it just normally in the config.sys like I did 30 years ago. DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS DEVICEHIGH=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE RAM 1024 Yet, MS-DOS claims to have no EMS at all, just XMS. The "mem" command confirms: no EMS. On start-up I get the error message: WARNING: Unable to set page frame base address--EMS unavailable (in MS-DOS 6.22) or EMM386 not installed - unable to set page frame base address (in MS-DOS 7.1) What do I do wrong? Thanks for your help!! Freddi
No idea, anybody? @parallels International GmbH: I have purchased Parallels purely for this purpose, and now I can't use it. Can you please provide a solution? Thank you!