Hi, I'm evaluating 2X to support both iPad/iPhone and Android devices to remotely login. However, somehow I keep getting a SSL certificate error, which says "there is a problem with the server certificate". The same certificate works fine from 2X client on Windows, without any warning (I've set SSLNoWarning to 0 in registry, so it should warn if something is wrong). Could it be that wildcard certificates are not supported on Android (and possibly also not supported on iPad/Pod/Phone as well)? Thanks.
Hi there, Kindly note that till now the SSL are only supported in Windows. They are not supported in Android Iphone, Ipad etc Thanks
Hi, Thanks for your response. Are you sure certificates are not supported yet on Android? Because it prompts me to accept the certificate, which info looks OK to me. So I'm able to login, but just not without the warning. Thanks again.