Problems with parallels 7

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by KOADOG, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. J_Browne

    J_Browne Bit poster

    New patch feedback

    Just installed the new patch - an improvement certainly - but still get the grey screen on shutdown and still slow - start-up also not as fast - this compared with P6.
  2. John Soran

    John Soran Bit poster


    PD email support sent me these words when I complained about a long shutdown and long startup of my mid 2009 MBP (was 6-7 minutes). I'm running 10.6.8, no filevault.
    In order to resolve the issue, please uninstall and reinstall Parallels Desktop once again.
    You can follow the article given below:
    Since I had uninstalled 7 and reinstalled 6, I looked up & followed the PD6 complete uninstall first. Then I reinstalled PD7. It then did a restart in under 2 minutes, to logon in 1 3/4 minutes, and works fine. Then I just did the recent update to PD7 that is available, now it does a restart to logon in 1.25 minutes, complete in 1.5 minutes. Complete means to me that all of my task bar items are there and I can click & run something from dock.

    hope this helps
  3. RonaldSchierer

    RonaldSchierer Bit poster

    No problems with patched P7

    Ladies & Gentlemen / just bought upgrade from P6 to P7, the new build is already included. Installation went fine. Started my Win7 and now Chrome OS and the performance is good. I do not experience performance or startup&shutdown issues.
    I have a MBP, late 2009, 8 GB Ram, 500 HD.
    I do not have FileVault activated.
    Since I am a Windows User for decades , I leearned patience and so the speed is satisfying. I feel, Win7 starts quicker, but I never measured the time.
  4. Sprocket Jockey

    Sprocket Jockey Bit poster

    Can't Start Parallels 7 After Update

    Installed the latest Parallels 7 upDATE to the upgrade. Now I get this message when I try to start Parallels:

    "You can't open the application Parallels because the Classic environment is no longer supported."

    Rebooted my Mac which did solve my TextExpander conflict problem with Parallels 7 earlier, but it has no effect on this new update issue. Anybody have any ideas?
  5. digitalhen1

    digitalhen1 Bit poster

    Still a problem

    I'm running the latest version of P7 - it's still a problem (ie. hanging on shutdown of the host machine). Following Mr Milk's excellent work, shutdown is now back to normal.

    Seeing this on a Mac Pro, whether I'm running a fully patched Snow Leopard, or the latest Lion.
  6. carlosrodzbotet

    carlosrodzbotet Hunter

    I think I'm going to give it a few more weeks before I do my 7 upgrade. I'm pretty good at Windows troubleshooting but new to Mac and Parallels. I really need my laptop so I'm sticking to 6, which is working great, for now.
  7. Joe64F

    Joe64F Bit poster

    I was thinking of upgrading and decided to wait with all that I am reading.
    However, I was notified of a newer v6, and updated it. Now I have the same problem, double starts, slow starts, slow shutdowns. I DO NOT have file vault on, I AM USING Build 6.0.12106 (Revision 692267; September 7, 2011) on Lion, and windows 7 as the VM.
    I do not think based on this that this problem is only related to v7.

    Parallels Team, what is going on ?
  8. RaymondYapcm

    RaymondYapcm Bit poster

    I have updated to the latest release of Parallel 7, it fixed the video cam sharing bit. But my MBA still boots slow (about 50 to 60s), and shutdown is getting to be a hit and miss. Something is a miss here, my applications, even finders tends to hangs sometimes. Never had the issue with P6.. might just go back to that version.... for now till P7 settles the issues.
  9. nrbrook

    nrbrook Member

    I have this slow boot and slow shutdown issue. Both take at least twice as long as when parallels is not installed. The screen flashes blue on boot before the login screen, I have heard this happens when the cache is being recreated. This suggests that even the latest version of parallels 7, 7.0.14924.699487, exhibits this issue, at least for me.

    I have a C2D Oct 08 Macbook Pro running Lion 10.7.2. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling parallels. I am not using filevault.
  10. carlosrodzbotet

    carlosrodzbotet Hunter

    What computer, version, OS, Host, etc. are you using?

    On my 2011 13" Mac Air 124GB I'm using 10.7.2 (Lion) and installed Parallels 6.0.12094 then Windows 7 (64bit) as my VM. With only 4 GB RAM I'm doing everything I want to do and more.

    I just updated to 6.0.12106 (Revision 692267 SEPT 7, 2011) and everything is working the same as before the update.

    Now I have my next hurdle: upgrading to Parallels 7 since I have a free copy (I bought 6 after August 1). If I do it and it gives me all the problems, can I just use either snapshot to get me back to version 6?
    I can't use Time Machine because I don't have it backing up my VM.

    I do also have CCC cloning my entire Mac drive so if 7 didn't work could I just restore from my entire CCC Clone drive back to version 6?
  11. carlosrodzbotet

    carlosrodzbotet Hunter

    What problem is on the Mac? What happened to you recently? Please be more specific.
  12. carlosrodzbotet

    carlosrodzbotet Hunter

    Well it's done. I upgraded to Parallels 7 for Mac and all is well.

    Everything is working perfectly on my 2011 13" Mac Air 124GB with 4GB RAM.

    I'm running Lion 10.7.2 and Parallels 7 for Mac - Build 7.0.15050 (Revision 707095; October 28, 2011)
  13. Adam Worth

    Adam Worth Banned

    I am really satisfied with the new models and patch...they really have developed their products.
    Have a great day!
    Adam Worth
    vertical milling machine
    machine tools
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2011
  14. carlosrodzbotet

    carlosrodzbotet Hunter

    I agree 100% !

    I've been installing the updates and doing maintenance on the system on a weekly basis (compressing VM for example) and I have had a great experience with Parallels. I don't have it to start automatically when I start my laptop.

    I must admit that I was worried at the beginning after reading all the posts here but I waited a little until, as all new products, Parallels fixed any bugs but my installation went smooth and it's been smooth sailings ever since.

    I think lots of the problems have to do with people not following installation steps precisely or in the correct order.
  15. peaceloveerin

    peaceloveerin Junior Member

    I'm having a problem, too!! I can't get any sound on it and its really frustrating!
  16. carlosrodzbotet

    carlosrodzbotet Hunter

    You have to post in just one place. It makes it easier for others to find their same problem with solutions when you do a search. I'll reply at your other post.
  17. peaceloveerin

    peaceloveerin Junior Member

    Thanks!! I hope I can get some answers.
  18. Spaceranger

    Spaceranger Bit poster

    Have anyone found a solution to our slow boot problem?

    I feel your pain, I went from 28s SL boot to 1m 05s Lion Boot :-(

    Everything is up to date, but the kernel and system logs are full of stupid, timeconsuming Parallels-stuff.........
  19. imorton

    imorton Bit poster

    Same problem here

    I have the same problem and was hoping there was a solution here... :(
  20. TheAngryPenguin

    TheAngryPenguin Member

    Just another me-too reply. I just did a fresh install of 10.8 Mountain Lion (USB boot from the InstallESD.dmg, nuke all partitions, etc.). As soon as I installed the current build of PD7, my 15" MBP (early 2011) with 8GB RAM literally takes at least 2-3 times longer to start up and shut down than it did before installing PD7.

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