Problems with W10 and Xbox App

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by MarkusC2, Oct 22, 2017.

  1. MarkusC2

    MarkusC2 Bit poster

    Hello Everyone,
    I've some troubles with the error codes (see attached files). I do a lot of business travels therefore I wanted to play Forza 7 offline on my Mac using Parallels 13 and the Xbox App on Windows 10.
    Everytime I start myXbox App and Forza 7 the following two error codes accure:
    Bildschirmfoto 2017-10-22 um 19.00.59.png
    1) 3D12 Support is needed (Code AP501)
    2) Windows Media Feature Package needs to be installed (Code AP601)

    I've already searched the web for the codes. The solution for the first point is to intall DirectX12 but it is already installed on the Mac (picture of config settings attached).
    Bildschirmfoto 2017-10-22 um 19.01.59.png
    At the moment, I'm using the test version of Parallels 13 and I haven't activated Windows 10 yet. Do I have to activate my Version of Windows 10 to get the media feature package?
    Mac Setup: MacBook Pro Late 16. 15" i7, Radeon Pro 450 2048 MB.

    Sorry for the language in the pics. English is not my native language.

    Best regards
  2. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @MarkusC2,
    While Parallels strives to provide the best Mac virtualization platform, Parallels Desktop for Mac is subject to a host operating system and its limitations. Unfortunately, macOS does not support OpenGL Compute Shaders which are required to implement DirectX 11 support, meaning we are currently unable to create this functionality.

    We maintain a good relationship with Apple and have discussed the aforementioned concerns with them. We closely monitor any API Reference documentation changes at in the hopes of receiving the required instructions from Apple, but we do not have them as of yet. Please rest assured that we do want to implement better graphics support for guest systems, and once we have the necessary documentation, we will create the functionality to do so.

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