Produce music in windows 10

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by CarlD1, Jul 3, 2016.

  1. CarlD1

    CarlD1 Bit poster


    I produce music on my mac ( runs windows 10 parallels ) and when I installed windows I didn't choose "only games" but now when I play the sounds, the sound is clipping. If I download windows again and choose only games now, will this help?
  2. Sasti@Parallels

    Sasti@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hey @CarlD1,
    The Games Only profile is designed for Parallels Desktop users who use Windows mainly for gaming.
    When the Games Only profile is chosen, the virtual machine will have the maximum recommended memory (the green zone of the Memory slider under Configure > Hardware > CPU & Memory) and 512 Mb of video memory. Most of the integration features will be disabled, but your mouse and keyboard will be optimised for games. The startup view will be set to Full Screen.
    This does not affect the sounds in Windows virtual machine.
    To troubleshoot the sound issue, try reinstalling Parallels tools in your Windows, Actions->Reinstall Parallels tools.
    You could also refer to this article for other troubleshooting steps.
  3. CarlD1

    CarlD1 Bit poster

    thanks where can I find the button actions?
  4. Sasti@Parallels

    Sasti@Parallels Parallels Support

    When Windows is the active screen, you will have 'Actions' in the Mac menu(top of the screen). You could also refer to this article for Parallels tools installation.

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