Hi, any body has installed PTC creo or any PTC software on new mac with M1 chip, It wor ok in parallels?
I'm also interested in this - really any CAD software, just to know what the state of it working under x64 emulation on an M1 Mac
Hi, all. So I have installed Parallels and the Windows 10 ARM64 version from the Insider Preview (Dev) tree. I have successfully installed Creo but when I try and run it nothing appears to happen (beside a 3 second loading mouse icon). Really not too sure what the problem is at the moment! If anyone else has anything to share, please do!
Are you sure it's attempting to run under x64 emulation? I don't have an M1 Mac yet (due to needing to figure this issue out), but my understanding is that you may need some prerequisites to get the emulation to run smoothly, and then perhaps also would need to tell Windows to run Creo through emulation...
I assumed it ran under x64 emulation automatically. I'm not sure the installer would have run if it didn't.
There was also apparently an update that Microsoft pushed through that broke x64 emulation: 'KNOWN ISSUE: After installing Build 21292.1010 (KB4601937), x64 emulation on ARM PCs will not work. There is an issue with the way the update is installed that breaks this functionality. As a workaround, you can uninstall KB4601937 to get x64 emulation working again on your ARM PC.' I don't know if this was before or after you tried to run Creo, but it could be related.
I just went to roll back and the supposed troubled update is downloading to be installed. So it's nothing to do with that. Also, I don't think the installer would have ran if the emulation wasn't working.
Bummer. I've been running Apple hardware and Creo for a while (through Bootcamp/Parallels), and it's been a great experience on the whole. When something goes wrong, it's usually on the software side. In this case, it could also be something as simple/complex as the virtual video driver not working with Creo, a setting in Parallels, or something deeper that involves the processor or RAM requirements. Hard to know for sure.
Same, been using it fine for years. I'm sure it will get there eventually and im sure someone else will probably find out a way to get this working. I'll keep trying as the updates roll out for both parallels and Windows 10 Arm64. Will of course report back if I have any luck.
just observation, when that broken update installed I tried to load Creo and got a windows message saying it wasn't compatible. There was a new update pushed out to fix the issue and I'm back to it (appearing) to do nothing when launched. I've reached out to PTC support to see if there is some diagnostic output somewhere I can look at to figure out what is going on. Personally think its a graphics problem.
Yes, I would imagine it's either a graphics issue, or some other pre-requisite that isn't loaded in yet. Did you get prompted to allow several process when it first ran? Or did it not get that far?
Any update please? I have the same issue (creo8, parallels, on M1; after installation, i try to start creo, but nothing happens). many thanks!!
I recently received a 16" M1Max 64GB 4TB. I installed Windows 11 22000.318 on Parallels 17.1 without issues, but Creo (the version I am running on Intel Macs) will not launch. Seems like it's pretty much the same story as above in this thread, and from what I can tell it's a Windows issue (maybe missing required .dll files to run Creo). No Creo applications will launch.
(chiming in to be updated on future posts) Same issue here... I tried installing PTC 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and none of them work. It's super frustrating.
There is some evidence that earlier versions of Creo will run here: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1jv41147Qq?spm_id_from=333.905.b_7461674c69737432.2 , but issues with 7.0 here: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12f4y1e7YN/ Earlier versions aren't going to work for my use case, but if you can get by with Creo 3.0, that might be a workable solution. As far as I can tell, the version that runs is 32bit. Since Creo versions after 3.0 don't offer 32bit versions, that's clearly part of the issue...
Awesome investigation skills ! I downloaded the student edition and I CONFIRM, PTC CREO 3.0 32 bits works! Evidence! https://drive.google.com/file/d/10NrOp32QiYq405Zco6tut1PCtYpCdH_y/view?usp=sharing Thanks @LutherB for the insight.