I'm running Windows 11 through Parallels Desktop 17 on my M1 MacBook Pro. Everything has been running completely fine, apart from when I downloaded PUBG PC from my steam library and launched it, where I face the following error: Failed to initialize BattlEye service (driver load error 1275). I have searched and searched for some kind of a fix for driver load error 1275 but I've found little to no information about it online. Can anyone help me out with this?
I have the same problem as you, the error code is 1275, I can't find any reason, if you find it, I hope you can inform me and tell me the solution, thank you, my email is jasonlin15749@gmail.com,
I have the same problem as you, the error code is 1275, I can't find any reason, if you find it, I hope you can inform me and tell me the solution, thank you, my email is moiskm@gmail.com
Hi, To fix the BattlEye please go to "C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\[game name]" (make sure that you can see hidden files/folders if you can't find this directory) and delete the BattlEye folder there. If the issue still persists your system's root certificates might be broken/corrupted. Before doing this please reinstall the BattleEye and provide the access and check.
Hi, does this fix work ? Deleting the BattleEye folder won't work for me. I get the same error .. How do I fix or check the system's root certificates ? If you have a link to a webpage for the root certificates, it might help ? Thanks!
I have the same too problem as you, the error code is 1275, I can't find any reason, if you find it, I hope you can inform me and tell me the solution, thank you, my email is huang_5761@163.com
Hello, please refer to this KB article and check if your current installation file of 3rd party application is compatible with ARM processor.
I have the same problem as everyone, the error code 1275,I tried to fix like DebasmitaM says, but I failed.if anyone know how to fix, please tell me how to do it , I will thank you very much
Maybe I know the reason: the battleye service needs a Windows kernel extension to help anti-cheating service. The driver may have an error when loading this extension
I think it might be because BattlEye doesn't allow Virtual Machines, since they are mostly used for cheating. I get a similar error 577 with windows 7
It won't ever be fixed until Pubg realizes that Parallels is not a cheating app.. well it can be used as one for VM... but besides the point