Pv5 - prl_disp_service consuming 99% cpu

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Parallels User, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. madrogue

    madrogue Bit poster

    Same problem with v4

    It would seem that the problem is not restricted to v5 or v6. I am running v4 build 4.0.3848, haven't opened Parallels in several months, and this problem just started for me last week. I'm up-to-date on 10.6.8.

    The "sudo launchctl stop/start com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon" suggestion stopped the process from hogging the CPU, but I haven't rebooted, so I'm not sure if the problem will return.

    On top of all this, it would seem that since I am running v4, I am required to purchase support incidents for $20? There is some kind of Support code required to create a support incident. Or am I missing something? Since v4 was working fine for me previously, I'm interested to hear how Parallels support will handle my problem. If it requires purchasing several upgrades or support incidents to fix a problem, I believe my solution will be uninstalling permanently and opting for another virtualization vendor. I'd like to continue using Parallels, so if there is an official solution, I'd like to hear it.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
  2. Nick78

    Nick78 Bit poster

    Report ID: 10200385
  3. Nick78

    Nick78 Bit poster

    No, I do not have that installed
  4. DHarman

    DHarman Member

    I'm getting this on prl 6 on my 2011 air. Noticed laptop was getting warm on my lap and it was this process burning a lot of cpu on idle windows 7 64 vm. I froze and then defrosted the vm and it stopped burning so much cpu.
  5. MAFletch

    MAFletch Bit poster

    Another error report: 10248899
  6. TomWats

    TomWats Member

    Email support may be free for some of us?

    I've noticed several in this forum mentioning that they would submit a support ticket if it was free. According to this URL, it might be free for some of you:

    Two weeks ago, I noticed a one-line sentence about halfway down this page that said: "Parallels now offers free email support for all Parallels Desktop 6 for Mac customers until March 14th, 2012."

    When I looked again today, it now says: "Parallels now offers free email support for all Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac customers until September 6th, 2013."

    I don't know if the Parallels Desktop 6 comment remains in effect or not. If any of you know, could you please post it here? If we all submit tickets on this problem, I think we can expect a response. It seems that everyone here has 10.6.8 on our Macs. Maybe they just figure we'll all upgrade to Lion? Do any Lion users have this problem?

    By the way, I've noticed that if I make certain to shut down my Mac at least once every other day, I can prevent this problem from occurring. For me, it only happens if I've put the computer to sleep many times without rebooting--in which case, prl_disp_service starts using 99% CPU right after I take it out of sleep.
  7. sandro

    sandro Parallels Developers

    Seems on the Lion this problem is absent - all reports just about 10.6.8. So if it valuable case for you to upgrade on Lion then better to do i guess.
  8. N A D

    N A D Bit poster

    Same problem

    Even without starting Parallels, just notice the computer starts heating up and it's there, 100% CPU. Just updated to the latest build of parallels desktop 6
  9. sandro

    sandro Parallels Developers

  10. N A D

    N A D Bit poster

    report ID is 10332886

  11. MarkCousins

    MarkCousins Bit poster

    Same issue - submitted report - ID 10414755

    I have had the same issue multiple times, but have not submitted a report before. I followed the Terminal instructions provided earlier and have now submitted a problem report, ID 10414755.

    This problem caused me a lot of grief a few weeks ago. I didn't realize that prl_dsp_service was consuming 100% CPU, and I was on a plane working and listening to some music. Suddenly I realized that my machine was running pretty warm, so I checked. Unfortunately I had run the battery down quite a bit and was unable to finish my work.

    I know these things can be difficult to sort, but many users have reported the same thing and it's a real nuisance. Please do what you can to solve it for us. Thanks.

  12. Jose222

    Jose222 Junior Member

    id: 10420009
  13. Alat

    Alat Bit poster

    Id: 10421415
  14. tomdx

    tomdx Bit poster

    Id: 10530850
  15. talleyrand

    talleyrand Bit poster

    The problem report was successfully sent with id: 10545470
  16. TimeLordBob

    TimeLordBob Bit poster

    Same Problem on my quad core laptop

    The machine is running 1.6.8 and using a BootCamp Partition of Windows 7 64-bit.

    Note that Parallels was not run for about a month. It's been 1 day since the system was rebooted.

    problem report id: 10552856
  17. Axe

    Axe Bit poster


    The problem report was successfully sent with id: 10568688
  18. TimeLordBob

    TimeLordBob Bit poster

    I did that already

    Hi Axe,

    I did do those steps - the problem report ID in my original submission is the one prlsrvctl returned.

  19. TimeLordBob

    TimeLordBob Bit poster

    LOL - Never mind my previous post - Axe, I thought you were replying to mine telling me to do those steps.
  20. Jose222

    Jose222 Junior Member

    Id: 10625844

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