Radeon Pro Vega 20 and 3D Acceleration Direct X Support

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by freq_out, Oct 14, 2019.

  1. freq_out

    freq_out Bit poster


    I recently purchased a Macbook Pro with the Radeon Pro Vega 20 GPU. I notice when configuring my Win10 VM, the [Graphics] -> [Advanced Settings] menu does not contain an option for 3d acceleration via Direct X like I have seen in the past.

    My concern is that my previous laptop which was a Macbook Pro 2017 (Mojave 10.14.6) with Radeon Pro 560 seems to handle my 3d applications better with Direct X 10 enabled under 3d Acceleration.

    Looking on my new Macbook (Catalina 10.15) at [Apple] -> [About This Mac] -> [System Report] -> [Graphics/Display] shows:

    Radeon Pro Vega 20:
    Chipset Model: Radeon Pro Vega 20
    Type: GPU
    Bus: PCIe
    PCIe Lane Width: x16
    VRAM (Total): 4 GB
    Vendor: AMD (0x1002)
    Device ID: 0x69af
    Revision ID: 0x00c0
    ROM Revision: 113-D2060I-087
    VBIOS Version: 113-D20601MA0T-016
    Option ROM Version: 113-D20601MA0T-016
    EFI Driver Version: 01.01.087
    Automatic Graphics Switching: Supported
    gMux Version: 5.0.0
    Metal: Supported, feature set macOS GPUFamily2 v1
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi which version of Parallels Desktop are you using?
  3. freq_out

    freq_out Bit poster

    Hi Maria, I'm using Parallels Desktop 15 Pro.
  4. freq_out

    freq_out Bit poster

    Also I should mention, the MacBook that works with Parallels as I would like it to is a 2017 MacBook Pro with a Radeon Pro 560X GPU. It has Parallels 14.1.3 business edition installed on it, and it contains the option for 3D acceleration via Direct X 9 or 10 in the Graphics Advanced Settings drop down.

    The program I am trying to run is Altium Designer 2019... there is a night and day difference between my old MacBook w/ Parallels 14 and my new MacBook with Parallels 15. Not only does the older run smoother, there are certain features within Altium that causes the Parallels 15 MacBook to crash where as the Parallels 14 MacBook seems to run Altium flawlessly.
  5. ItalianNorge

    ItalianNorge Bit poster

    I have the same problem. Parallels 15. MacBook Pro 2018 AMD Vega 20
  6. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

  7. SvenC

    SvenC Bit poster

    Same problem here: iMac i9 Radeon Pro Vega 48 8GB, no 3D or Direct-X-options in Parallels 15 with OS X 10.14.6.
    The application Pytha 24 (a 3D CAD-software) does not start
  8. SvenC

    SvenC Bit poster

    Sorry to say, but trying this VM*beep* Fu*beep" the 3D-Support for this VM (the same VM was used in VMF) is working without problems......
  9. AlainC1

    AlainC1 Bit poster

    Hello, I have the same problem with
    MacBook Pro 15" 2018
    2,6 GHz Intel Core i7 6 cœurs
    32 Go 2400 MHz DDR4
    Radeon Pro Vega 20 4 Go
    Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 Mo
    Catalina 10.15.4 (19E287)


    no 3D or Direct-X-options????

    Autocad 2020: DrectX 9???? Where is DirectX11?

    Attached Files:

  10. MarcinS7

    MarcinS7 Bit poster

    What has the problem of Video Radeon Pro Vega 20 card and 3D Acceleration Direct X been solved?
    I have a problem for many months, that when working on Altium Designer, the computer crashes after a few minutes. I am working on iMac configurations: CPU: 2.5 GHz Fourteen-core Intel Xeon W processor, video card: Radeon Pro Vega 64 16 GB. Windows 10 operating system When I work on a laptop that has a different Video card the problem is not there. On both I am using Parralels version 20.1.1. please help!!!

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